QoL: Mission Page Order

Could we please have a way to sort our mission listing page into types?

So group together all fishing, all critter capture, all kill missions, all of each type of long-term etc? When you get to a certain point, the page is just a giant jumbled mess.

Also, a way to easily get rid of longterms that we don’t plan to do / have too many of, (without accidentally deleting those actually in progress) would be excellent.


Concerning long terms, can you turn them in for zero rewards prior to them being complete? I have never tried, that may be a way to clear some out if you want.

Personally I would rather chase one single new long term and let the old ones build in the background and turn in 10 at once.

You can do that to get rid of other quests, but not longterms.

Yes,I think most people do a bunch at once. I usually have a bunch in progress at a time. But there are some that I find I can’t be bothered with. I now have dozens of each of them, but can’t get rid of them.

Having those sitting there increases lag and potentially crash issues (the devs mentioned this at one point), so getting rid of the unwanted ones would be helpful.

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Never heard this, that is scary. I’ve got a bunch just piled up in there.

Ya, one of the devs mentioned it during a Q&A with them when they were online. Made me look at my missions page and then wonder if I was responsible for all the desynchs :laughing:

Ok I stand corrected. This is weird because I tried just last week and couldn’t, but you can remove the long term missions via the vendor. The problem is you can’t see which have progress and which don’t, and they’re all jumbled together.

If we could get a completion percentage on that interface and have the various different types grouped together, it would be a whole lot easier and not risk deleting the wrong quests.

Also, a multi-select due to the sheer number of missions from that vendor would be doubly awesome, but even just being able to have them in categories would be so much easier.


Just because it’s been annoying me a bit, these are missions you’re talking about, not quests. Quests are the ones in your journal.

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You’re totally right. I tend to think of anything you do and turn in for rewards as a quest, but that’s not the case here. Corrected!

I just don’t think we should have ever been able to pickup duplicate long terms in the first place. I think they should refresh every week but you can only pick up a new one if you turned in the old one. You could probably make them a little easier/more rewarding to make up for this if needed.

I think the way it works causes 3 major problems

  1. Like you guys said it allows players to theoretically accept an unlimited amount of missions which is causing problems with stability and clutter

  2. It creates a problematic correlation between time and money. Obviously players who play longer are going to generally be more wealthy but their earnings is somewhat proportional to some accumulated work they have done. With long terms you dont engage with them at all and the missions just passively increase in value until one day you finally decide to do your critter capture and make a million dram. On the flipside because capitalism is a zero sum game newer players unfairly struggle to compete in the economy until they’ve played the game for several months at which point they just perpetuate the problem.

  3. Inflation. There are other ways of making lots of money in this game like running a stall, artificing, potion brewing, grinding shards and rare dyes, dragon breeding, etc. but all of these late game money sources exchange money between players instead of printing it. After long terms got added the prices of everything started creeping up. Effervescents are like the gold standard of the orbus economy in that they are a very stable and easy to exchange storage of value. It used to be that effervescents were just 40k. There were small fluctuations in the price but for the most part it anchored the economy and everything was valued around that. Effervescents definitely don’t cost 40k anymore. The loss of many very long term players with lots of dram to zenith may have temporarily helped (idk I am one of those players taking a break from orbus) but the economy will continue rapidly inflating as long as it is this easy to print large sums of money.

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