Queens ear icon in the middle of name and surname

Queens ear icon is in the middle of name and surname instead of after the surname


But itsss cutttte

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That looks wonderful I agree… it’s a feature :slight_smile: (and a unique one too since you’re likely the only one in the entire game already having a surname and only 10h or less in… :joy: )

We were aware of it but thought it was pretty unlikely that someone would be still a sprout, level 30 and wanting a surname all at the same time.



He hasn’t even been a sprout for half the sprout time yet :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

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Any news on additional character slots? I kinda wanna see how much quicker it can be done :thinking:


I thought a queen’s ear in the middle of your name meant you were “special”. You know, so like instead of other players yelling at you when you mess up in dungeons they just give you a head pat. :thinking:


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