Random Cinematic AoE

In certain locations around the map, cinematics activate for people who have already completed them. Usually these occurances happen in mass.
Couple examples that I have run into on a number of occasions:

  1. Highsteppe, just outside the player house and around the practice dummies.
  2. Leaving old Kingsport
    Sorry hey I never bothered to watch the cinematics again so I can’t give you a reference for which one is happening where. I don’t know for sure but it feels like it may be triggered by the once in a blue moon newer player that is watching it for the first time and the rest of the nearby players get sucked into it.

Wow, that’s really strange! How often does it happen to you?

I hangout in highsteppe a lot so I probably get that one every other day at least.

that happened to me two I thought I had some how managed to activate a cinema function and was there for about five mins trying to reactivate it.

when it happens is it the one of bishop roma giving the speech, and are you near the graveyard when it happens?

I will enable my cinematics and keep an eye out for next time it happens. I’ll ask around as well if anyone remembers which one was occurring.

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