Ranger Damage stat

not sure if this is a bug or intentional but it doesnt seem to make sense that ranger special arrows are based on int not str or better yet a stat just for rangers like dexterity… although strength effects my normal arrows i do far more dps by equipping an int bow because of poison arrow damage… that just seems so off for some reason… why not make int for runemages, dex for ranger, wisdom for healer, and str for warrior. thats kinda been how it was done since the dawning of rpg’s lol… oh and one other thing im assuming is a minor bug on ouclus when you hold the grip and squeeze the trigger you point but when you hold grip and just place finger lightly on trigger you close your hand should be hold grip finger off trigger is point and hold grip squeeze trigger you make fist… just thought id mention it…


Each class only has 2 ways for their damage to be effected anyway, leaving it a simple strength vs intellect is a nice generalized system. It may not have the same wording as other rpg’s choose to use but it’s standardized which is nice. Just my opinion of it at least and whether you choose one stat or the other can adjust your play style, especially when the skill trees are realeased and people become more specialized to their own style of play.

I’m fine if they want it to work that way with only 2 stats, but any kind of explanation would be great. Unless I missed something, I am almost lvl 20 ranger and didn’t know about the int poison arrow thing until right now.

i have a 1000 attack 100 str bow and i wind up doing way more dps with a 1000 attack 92 int bow… thats just wierd. i mean really damn wierd. if their going to do this then we need to see gear with say 30 int 50 str or combo’s of things… so we can balance our gear out instead of an either or thing… but i still think it should be dexterity/str if its going to be any kind of mix…

All end game weapons have both int and str, but I agree that there should be a better explanation of what each stat does for each class.

It’s not intuitive that str adds speed to mage projectiles or that int increases warrior combo damage.

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