Reasonable banhammer

Instead of banning people I think it would be more reasonable to mute them so they cant talk ingame.

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That does nothing if the person is doing something toxic like purposefully ruining world boss events or exploiting parts of the game to take advantage of other players. Bans/suspensions are a punishment.


i mean its your responsibility to uphold community guidelines for yourself, not other players if you broke them and got banned thats on you.


In my like 3 years or something of playing this game, I know of 3 people who have been banned. If you get banned in orbus you’re just dumb and deserve what you got.


I 1000% agree. If you can’t play the game the way it was designed then you do not deserve to play it at all. :+1:


If they are banned for Being toxic in chat yeah, but other stuff no

Ruining world boss events is messed up, but in no way a violation of guidelines. I’m not a fan of someone getting banned because people don’t like them or they “messed up their event” They should’ve brought some shooters.

  • You may not insult, harass, or threaten other players. This includes but is not limited to; repeatedly sending unwanted messages, sending messages of a sexual nature, and bringing unwanted attention to a player.

That’s from the Code of Conduct. I’d say purposefully ruining a world boss event for the sole purpose of ruining the fun for other people, especially after being asked to stop, would count as harassment.


In a video game, using game mechanics to ruin some event that players decided to put together isn’t harassment. And “ruining the fun” is unfortunately for you subjective making it irrelevant. Insulting and harassing can be included in messing up a world boss event but not necessary to do so. The act of messing up a world boss event is not in violation of the guidelines. -Hipman

Nah man, that’s straight up harassment and a real jerk move. Definitely report that kind of behavior.


I agree it’s a jerk move. I’ve never done it, I’ve even had mine ruined by someone. But not one time did the thought to ban them from a video game cross my mind. Lol, we just killed them over and over. Because it’s a game and you can find solutions in game for that kind of problem. It’s supposed to be fun, it’s virtual reality. There’s supposed to be hiccups, there’s gonna be events that get messed up. It happens. But unless they’re going around saying offensive things to people or making inappropriate gestures, it’s not against the rules. Just because you didn’t like how someone played their copy of the game it doesn’t deserve a ban.

Doing something that ruins an event for the sole purpose of ruining that event for a bunch of people is harassment. Especially after being asked to stop.


I don’t think we’re getting anywhere anymore. It’s not harassment, and you think it is. We aren’t going to change each other’s mind, but the Developers won’t ban someone just for messing up the event. We should just drop it before we flood this with the same argument over and over.

If someone was following me around shooting fireballs in my face constantly, I would feel harassed. defines harassment as: the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.

Merriam Webster defines Harassment as:
-to annoy persistently
-to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct

Urban Dictionary defines harassment as: The adult version of bullying.

I am curious as to how you have concluded that vexatious behavior towards another player or group of players does not constitute harassment simply because mechanics in game that enable or allow that behavior exist?


Dang Ken, drop the mic. :microphone: :fire::fire::fire:

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Cmon man, I’ve been a part of this community for a long time. If we used the Webster dictionary definition of “annoy persistently” there would be so many players getting banned. This is a banhammer post. Do players shooting fireballs in someone’s face in highsteppe now deserve to get banned from the game too? Most of them are just kids messing around. Just mute them.

I do agree that a lot of behavior in Orbus would be harassment. (There are a few people who regularly engage in harassment, but often leave before they can be reported (since you can only report them if they are close by)), but I’ve also noted that a lot of bans/suspensions are rather one-sided and don’t look at both sides of the story.

For example: One player is provoking another into harassing behavior, but only records one side of the conversation so that it looks like the other party is harassing one-sidedly. Meanwhile, the one recording is saying even worse things and is harassing the player being provoked. They show the video to the moderating staff and it looks like the other player is one-sidedly harassing when in reality, the other player was being provoked.

And I’d say that those kids totally deserve bans. I mean, the devs and facebook look the other way most of the time, which is fine, but some of those kids actively harass others and really do deserve a ban.

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You have probably been here longer than me then…
… and I am not disrespecting you or looking for a mic drop moment…

I am genuinely curious as to the reasoning you employ in concluding that behavior that meets those standards would not qualify as harassment in a digital public environment.

I get annoyed persistently by certain others… and I am willing to bet there are some others who are persistently annoyed by me… and yet neither I nor they are banned.

I don’t think a player shooting fireballs in my face should be banned, and I would mute him… but if it continued in order to make it hard for people to talk to me for awhile I would report it and I would trust whatever action or inaction the devs chose to take…


I get annoyed persistently by certain others… and I am willing to bet there are some others who are persistently annoyed by me… and yet neither I nor they are banned.

Which tells me the devs are reasonable people who aren’t slamming the banhammer down injudiciously or excessively… which leads me to believe that whomever it was that was banned for whatever they were doing was not banned lightly. But all of that really is besides the point…

I would just like to please know how it is that you feel that harassment isn’t harassment when it is done in a digital community?

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