Reborn Beta 7 Info + Patch Notes

are the potion drops from chests staying? if i remember correctly that was supposed to be temporary as it completely changes the economy, even more than just reborn itself

also is there no change to the time it takes to use the paladin ulty?

image thak you for fixing this its been bugging me thorough out the betas

Thanks for the increase in fellowship cap! Also, plz plz plz plz no hints on how to activate the world bosses. It’s so much fun trying to figure it out as a community :slight_smile:

The items drop from any eligible content, but the chance is very rare. We are still finalizing the mechanism on this, but we want it to be more like winning the lottery than something that you grind specifically for. (If it were a “regular” drop, the drop rate would be like 0.01% percent, so not really worth it anyway). As such, I think it’s going to work to where if you are playing the game and doing eligible content, every N interval of time you have a hidden chance to get it; if you hit, you get the drop. So it doesn’t really matter if you are grinding the most “mobs per minute” or anything like that, it’s just a fun random chance.

We are still finalizing/tuning this but the cooldown is likely to be something like 20 seconds, and apply only while in combat. The goal is to eliminate spamming healing potions to trivialize content.

If you mean the reward caches, as I mentioned the rewards in those have been re-worked, but yes you still receive potions as part of it. The potions you receive has been changed a bit though. In general we are fine with there being more Potion of Forgetfulness and Giant Growth potions in the world, for example.

On the scaling change, can you make that only apply to outer world? If anything, I think the range on the high side should decrease in dungeons. Outside you can over level by 6,but in dungeons maybe 2 or 3?

Hmmm…yeah I can see how a -3/+3 might be better in a dungeon. Sure we can experiment with that tomorrow and see how it goes.

Any changes to the old classes too? Rangers need some love, hitting weak points would be a perfect addition to tiles


Don’t you just want as many tile pros up at once as possible? Having specialized ones will make that more difficult without actually increasing dps(harder tiles don’t add extra damage)

Is that 20 seconds a global cd for every potion or just that type of potion? i.e. could I drink a healing pot then immediately drink a speed pot?

It’s supposed to just apply to the specific slot, but I guess that would mean you could put a healing pot in each slot and halve the cooldown, so we might have to add something where if the items in both slots are the same it applies it to the other as well or something like that.

But yes assuming you have a Speed Pot in one slot and a Healing Pot in the other, you could use them together like that still.

This change is not useful to us unless we can have basic ranks in the fellowship system too;

As a guild leader, I want to assign individuals to be able to invite new players, so that I do not have to be online to invite the players.

The only reason we had multiple fellowships was because of the lack of ranks so the second fellowship is owned by someone who can invite new players.

oh… my… god

What version were you running before?
I am excited to see this in action…

Haha 2018.2. We really weren’t that out of date, but yeah it might help who knows. It at least fixes that one bug.

We are planning to add additional Fellowship management tools as well, for sure. This is just one step in that process. It’s up to you if you want to keep them separate for now, but hopefully we can get that stuff in soon.

That FPS drop stopped me from using OVRDrop without fps decline so should have a MASSIVE improvement for Vive users / OpenVR device users. Let’s see tomorrow!.

Please, please, add guild title functionality and some control over things:

  1. Guild Leader/Officer/Guilderoy/Recruit, or some tiered system
  2. Options for each rank to include things like permissions to:
  • Invite to fellowship
  • Remove from fellowship
  • Add items to guild chest
  • Remove items from guild chest
  • Add dram to guild chest
  • Remove dram from guild chest
  1. Maybe make the titles something that people can wear as an actual title as well?
  2. If you really want to go above and beyond, maybe either a selection of what those rank titles can be per guild? Like “Guilderoy” could switch to “Member” or something and “Guild Leader” could switch to “Guild Master” or something

This is going to be annoying. having to carry another pet to swap out with your non-dragon pet whenever you wanna go dragon racing. it’s going to decrease the amount of people who use non-dragon pets, sure they might look cool, but if you have to carry another pet and swap it out whenever you wanna do some dragon racing people are going to stop using non-dragon pets as much.

having a non winged pet magically glide through the air probably isn’t the solution tho. instead you could maybe have a step in dragon at dragon races that would do the race instead or maybe have the pet appear in a little airplane or maybe even allow us to equip 2 pets and disable the bonus ability of the second pet.


Haha +1 for the pet in the airplane plan XD


It’s ALWAYS fun in a game to get a cool diablo-esque piece of surprise loot, like this a lot

Any plans for gear sets in our inventory so that we don’t have to swap each piece of gear to change classes?


what about being able to equip each class’s paper doll independently with like pages in the equipment screen.

I like the idea of being able to adjust to new gear drops and say ‘maybe I’ll use that on my healer… I’ll assign it now for when I swap’. Also to prevent that super annoying ‘oh my bard has arrows in his globe squares’ weirdness that confuses everybody on swap.

Even if it’s just unlockable and I can only have 1 or 2 other loadouts… yeah that’d be awesome. That way when I equip my hammer to REDACTED in a dungeon, I don’t get insta gibbed! :stuck_out_tongue: