[RESOLVED] Help needed: Missing quest item!

I am currently on the MSQ “Tavel To University Isle” to join the enforcers and I received my ticket to travel on the airship and I also received my guardians cape from Master Bart! However, while I was waiting for the airship to arrive in Highsteppe I was clearing out some clutter from my inventory and I deleted the Guardian’s cape (due to me already having my founders cape which i am very fond of!) and the quest no longer allows me to continue it, as it says I need to acquire the guardians cape and Master Bart wont give me a second one! Which is him being petty I’m sure since I told him I had a greater calling. Anyways, any help would be appreciated!

whats your in game name? we can get the cape added back to your inventory.

In game name - Mavern

You should have it now. :slight_smile: It will be on the last page of your inventory at the bottom. Let me know if you still don’t for whatever reason!

I’ll let you know as soon as I’m able to check it out! Thank you so much!

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Hey, just checked my inventory and it hasn’t shown up in my inventory…

I went ahead and tried to put it in your inventory again, try logging in and out and check the last page.

I got the cape now! Thanks!!!

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