Rock Gient is up

It would be good if the new world boss had a tone or chime when he gets up. I know as a shaman with a large group I have missed attacking him because I did not know he was up. I understand that this has happened to other players too.


So ive noticed not many are aware, You do not need to stand at the pillars, you just need to activate it, then you can move on. 1 person can activate all the pillars just by standing near them with the appropriate class equipped then move to the next one. For instance the shaman and bard can light up their pillar and then head to the boss ready to fight. Although, that is a great idea to have a sound when he gets risen tho. Could be a heads up to others in the basin and they should head over.


I did not know that you did not need the classes all standing by the pollers at once. Is there a time limit I wonder, like you have a window of so many seconds to activate all the pollers. I did notice that activating one Piller then moving away leaves the first Piller active for a few seconds only, I could be wrong about that it may have changed.

That said I still think some sort of audible warning when the Gient gets up would be helpful.

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It will light up just for a few seconds, then once all are activated, they will stay lit up. At least until its killed or leashed. Not sure how much time it gives you, its alot i know for sure. Once activated it stays activated until the kill or leash happens. Then they have to be activated again. I’ve activated it, switched shards, activated the new shard, and gone back to the first shard to see rock giant still up.

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Avalanche Rock Giant Guide

Yeah the visual disappears that you actived it. But it is actually activated as far as I know forever.

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It seems to time out @NotScott. We did some testing and the person had to go back and re-ignite them.

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One important thing to note tho, is that of you stand on the pillar when he respawns it does not activate the pillar(even tho it displays the visual for being activated). You have to walk into the pillar after the boss respawns in order for the pillar to be activated.

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