Runemage tip for more relistic Improvement

Hello, just got this idea in the shower:
How about to throw our spells instead of pushing button.
I mean after we draw a rune, comfirm it and then throw it at enemy. Targeting control of spell should be same. maybe it will be more immersive and realistic.
Just some think to conciser, if its not a good idea, leave it :wink:

Edit: It shouldnā€™t be big throw. im thinking rather little swipe. From stomach outside. It will also fill in ā€œgapā€ between casts and it will feel more cool :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™d like to see another new class altogether for throwing stuff. Like a Rogue or Ninja that could throw smoke bombs, bombs, shurikens, etc.

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I think one problem is that after you throw you have to quickly reorient your controller to point in the correct direction. So if you swipe then the spell will start moving to the left or right. Would not work very well in a crowded area.

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Add to that any server or reprojection lag at all and weā€™ll have spells launching off sooner/later than we actually see them client-sideā€¦
Plus reorienting our wands after to cast the next spell, slowing down our re-cast rates.
The idea sounds neat indeed, but no thanks.

When I want to swing my arm, I switch back to playing a Warrior. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Actually, nothing is stopping you from swinging your arm as you push the fire button so you can indeed simulate your desired throwing action without Orbus needing to be updated to force everyone into doing that.

Edit to add:
I just remembered something I used to do all the time in the beta ā€“ when Iā€™m feeling cocky soloā€™ing a mob and as itā€™s coming at me and will take one more fireball to kill, Iā€™ll hold my wand up in front of my face and wait until that mob is right at me then Iā€™ll point at it and at the extension of my arm press the button. Feels very Happy Potter-ish, like something Snape did in one of the movies?

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