Running in combat

I love the feature but it brings you to an abrupt halt when the stamina bar has depleted which can get you killed if you don’t know the distance you’re able to travel by heart. I think it should just bring you back to “in-combat” speed instead.

At the moment, one of my controllers is having trouble with the teleport function and I’m waiting for a new one to be delivered. With 1 proper controller I have to pick between casting spells or moving out of the way of aoe’s, while knowing this seems like a personal issue, I know there is another movement technique that could be better utilized with a slight adjustment.


I think running in combat should be on by default and then like you said go to “in combat speed” after. I don’t really understand why it’s not like this?
Maybe change so that pressing grip makes you walk in combat and sprint is on by default until you run out?

Doesn’t help too much, but there is a gauge on the weapon display that shows you how much you have. It’s the vertical (when compared to HP as horizontal) Purple colored one. It’s always full when out of combat, but when you run in combat you can watch it deplete. Kinda hard to watch it while running and fighting, but it’s something at least.
I do agree it would be nice to just be reduced to combat speed when you run out. I’ve gotten into the habit of only running for brief 1-2 second spurts, then letting it refill.

That’s what I’m saying, when that bar is depleted it stops you. Having to do a walk/jog isn’t an ideal way to handle the mechanic.

I would personally love to disable this function as it is, with rift is way too easy to press the grip by accident in the middle of the fight, which results in not being able to dodge in time. So i think the sprinting in combat should be an optional setting (telephony is more precise anyway)

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