Self-reset option for broken player positions?

I’ve noticed a lot of requests for help that really need a “player teleport” from a dev lately.

I was wondering if it would be feasible to have a button that lets players do the teleport themselves from outside the game. I’m thinking of a button (one for each character) within the page so that players can’t troll each other.

Set the teleport point to the exact same location for everyone. Maybe even make it a two part teleport (if that can be done) where it teleports you to point A and then immediately to point B - that way if the player was already by some chance at point A or B, the reset should still work.

Like I said, my knowledge of coding is limited and I have no idea what’s involved with actually teleporting a player, but this might decrease the number of “please teleport me” dev requests :upside_down_face:

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My only worry is pvp. If someone has pvp enabled and they have the trickster goblin, they could just do that. I say that because the game can’t tell the difference between someone who is about to trade them or just got one and returned home and someone who js hiding with jt in the overworld. I’m not sure if the void is in highsteppe (the bugged place this post is about) but if it is that could make things a lot easier. If it doesn’t let players with pvp on teleport, that would be hard because some people have it on all the time.

Are you a dev? Can you help me with my issue? The post before this one?

Not sure if you are replying to me (the website says you are) but neither Kat or I are devs (kinda wish I was sometimes). Can you link the post you are referring to?

What about a login check? If they’re logged in, it won’t let them use it. Or, if they just logged out, have PvP on, and have a trickster token, maybe a 1 hour cooldown so someone with a trickster token has to remain logged out for 1 hour before they can use it?

Still won’t prevent the issue, but it does mean that someone has to remain still for 10 minutes after getting the token in order to log out, then they have to wait an hour before it would work - it would take more patience than just “beep, bop, boop! Free teleport!”

That’s a great idea!

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