Shield at the ruins in the new zone bugged

New zone is cool so far.

So I found the city/ruins with the big shield (Orb of Osuvox) around it. It seems if you go along the right side, the shield bugs out so it is no longer there, then will reappear.

There is no special thing you need to do, the shield just drops when you approach the frost pillar camp on the right side. You can climb the side of the snowfield and make your way quite a way inside the shield before it appears. Once it reappears you’re stuck with no way to get out except graveyard.

I took a bunch of photos to give you orientation. Shield on, shield off, inside the shield, stuck inside the shield and so on.

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Thanks for the heads up Ill work on getting that straightened out.

this happens when you get too far from the shield I find; you can bypass the shield but it will reapear and you will be stuck

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