Since the introduction of Level Scaling, I no longer:

Okay that’s just funny. I get it now, you’ve been trolling this whole time lol

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Not sure what trolling is but I think that’s you really.
I’m just here to voice my opinion about why orbus is not magical and 99% of players leave.
You can keep your labels, they have no effect on me.

Did you know that 147% of players stick around?


HAHAHAHa, keep dreaming!Bring out real stats!
You are just arguing hoping that this thread will get closed!

I did:) those of us who really love orbus and want it to succeed know I’m right because I said so

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And where are they?

Oh they don’t need to show up, just trust that I totally speak for 133% of the population of old game players

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You are untrust worthy, I know that much from you already! You screwed enough players in game haha

Plus you haven’t been around as long as me, so you can’t speak for the whole history.

Oh my sweet summer child lol

I am definitely no part of you

You know I don’t really see the argument in 99% of players quit so reborn must be the reason. No corrolation.Alot quit before people knew reborn existed. And as others pointed out, no proof of the statement so :man_shrugging:


Again, @Mathieu_D Can we get some real stats?
Level scaling only belongs in dungeon queues!

Wait, I thought you left dungeon queues with under level 30s because they can’t contribute?


Pretty sure we’ve gone full circle now


Only cause you tried to complete the circuit lol

The point is Level scaling is ruining the game!

No no the reason they quit is cause they got tired of hearing the complaining about the scaling and crap like this xDDD

Both new and old players leave reborn. I liked in the original game how I could actually see who was in highstep by leaving player house and just glance down the main strip. Reborn dosent have that magic that the ild game had.

Exactly! The reason was that people were looking for a better game. I think that most additions to reborn
would have been perfect in OG! Speaking of the player house, I missing having keys to multiple houses! The point thought, I think is that Old Orbut was much more magical than this one and much more worth exploring the world, much more worth helping new players, much more FUN!!!

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This thread isn’t going anywhere and is not civil or productive.