While waiting for the temperature to increase I decided to spam the grab buttons on both of my touch controllers while hovering over some catfish. I saw multiple catfish in my hands but assumed it was merely a graphical bug. Upon dragging my hand into the cauldron I came to find that I had placed the rest of the catfish that were in the chest into the cauldron. I have never had this happen when making a potion the proper way, but I felt I should report it none-the-less since it seems like something that shouldn’t happen even if I spam the grab buttons. I doubt this bug really affects anyone in practice…
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That’s an interesting one, thank you for reporting it we will add it to our bug tracker. Couple extra questions to help track it down, when you added them to the pot were they stuck to your hands or did they drop in like normal, also do you remember how many it added at once (2,3,4…?) Thank you.
They were stuck in both of my hands at the same time. As for the count that I placed in the cauldron it must have been at least 3 or 4. I can probably reliably reproduce the bug if need be, just let me know.
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