Stonk crash for fun

Anyone want to crash the in-game economy just for fun

btw this was a joke but people didn’t realize it and got really mad so now hopefully they arent mad and toxic have no sleep after there death threats

How would you even go about doing that, and why?

Like, there’s no big valuable item that people use for currency. There’s really nothing to crash.

lets buy all the runemage reagents, that will really show them!


I’m not sure try to get everyone really rich so the prices raise a lot or everyone really poor so everything is cheap

If prices go up, buyers won’t buy and sellers will undercut you.

If prices drop drastically, you’ll run out of supply because sellers will buy you out lol.

The market regulates itself pretty well


People do this. Make a HUGE sock of the most sold items, and put them on cheap, and just keep adding them there.

Or keep buying out everything under a specific price on a Item and watch the price go up up up

Yo so much fun bro (how old are you, 12?). Many serious traders quit the market already because of silly tradewars like these, and as people said you’re not the first having this idea. This is already happening since a while, increasingly since schools closed (coincidence XD?).
So if you got too much time on your hand, go ahead, try it!
And I don’t think you run out of supplies. If you fish and farm putting all day putting out a product for supercheap, you can do that endlessly, with no-one even contesting you because all rational traders think it’s not worth their playtime.


Why don’t you go try it yourself? They’re trying to help the market so hey why not just BREAK IT OVER AGAIN
I mean they’re really terrible devs that don’t ever listen and do anything right
Let’s give the community more reason to hate them!

agreed #CancelOrbusEconomy


this is a joke sir no need to be so rude
ps no im not 12 im 3 and i went into a sweat shop labour to get money to buy a vr headset it only took me 8 years with less then minimum wage but i finally have enough oh yeah there was also the 20 years to get a PC

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