Suggestions for the player house

Hi, I was thinking it will be nice to have a player house account bound and not character bound.
Meaning that on the same account you can use the same house for all your characters including all what is in the house transfer even the weapons would be nice.

Also, it would be nice to have a mirror feature in the furnitures I miss sometimes to look at myself after I use transmog. The wardrobe is not enough



Piggy backing this post …

Let us buy any house in highsteppe like the old house deed system. Make the slum alley or maybe add underbelly housing that is the cheapest and the housing by fellowship hall the most expensive .

Bonus have house interior / exterior get better and more opulant the higher the tier house.

Maybe just instanced for the owner , allow for repairing the outside of ‘your’ house. So it looks nice from the outside , have the extra rooms unlock as you go up house tiers with the 1 million dram mansion having a repair anvil for repairing gear. (Or some other fancy benifit)

It would make highsteppe feel more lived in and we could feel like it is ‘our’ house since we chose it . It would also give me something to burn dram on which will help the inflation problem.

Also , start selling those player shops for like a few million a pop , start renting out the large stalls like the current auction system and make the small stalls a lottery so they are not all owned by gold cap players. (Capped dram cost then loto on all who paid it , only winner pays rest get refunded … let’s say 100k )

Also dont post stall content to the auction house … make us walk around again like we are shopping … that was an enjoyable experiance … put the players name on the stall in game so we know who we are giving our money to , a free market allows us to choose where NOT to spend our money and where we wish to invest.

Open up those collapsed tunnels and add more stalls that cost even less , (but dont post to AH)
I’d like all of them to not post but I bet that will be shot down. So add a slums to those tunnels and rickety shanty mall springs up … add hobbit hole doors along the walls for more housing choices.

Add houses in the overworld in neat locations that will tempt me to put my house teleport there in a non viable location for the beauty.

Please allow me to change my wallpaper …
I want stone walls with ash accents … I want my mountaintop stone cottage overlooking the waterfalls to look dark and brooding.

And to fish off my porch into the pond at the top of the falls. (Let me yell at all the young whippersnappers to get off my pond )


Some of these suggestions would be better off in a new thread to not derail it :frowning: … I comment two of them regarding stalls anyway:

This is a very good idea. Trading is pretty much pointless (for me) if I craft a full month long, only to get my stall fee back… If you can’t earn at least double the fee paying that much for a stall is pointless - which is currently, mostly, a million. Most traders I talked to do not make a million per month and even if they do, you still work half-a-month for nothing but the fee. So trading as it is currently, with those ridiculous stall prices, is just an expensive hobby to have something to do with not much gain.
Also we need more stalls so more can participate.

Not sure about this. To buy something you need to compare prices and that’s easiest in the AH. I did so in the OG, manually, there were only a handful stalls, but it still took a very long time to check them all and get the overview - I used an excel for that and invested up to an hour daily.
Now there’s like double or tripple items in the game though, countless different dyes and what not. It’s near impossible to get an overview without AH, so buyers would buy randomly or even skip the stalls alltogether and only use the AH for convenience.
And even worse, as a trader you will want an overview at which price level your items are sold by others, which changes daily sometimes. It would be overly tedious to visit all stalls, plus AH, to check that, every day.

So stall contents should stay visible in the AH/player house, those who want to avoid fees are wandering around anyway. Putting player’s names on the stalls themselves is a very good idea though.

Has been requested often, I would like that too! I dislike any wallpaper with structures on it anyways. Just let us dye them with the dyes available would be great for a start.


Make the fact buying from stalls dosent incur an AH price increase … like put AH charges 10% for commission in red at the top of the AH (visit stall for discount) I legit did not know that.
Take that AH guy out of base player homes , put him in midrange homes and above.

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