Suggestions to reduce arrow spamm and make ranger feel more realistic


First of all i have to say that i really love OrbusVR and i am really greatful to the developers for making it. Like many others have stated its the first MMO in a long time thats gives me the special feeling of oldscool runescape or early wow that we used to play back in the day. Thats why i would like to offer few of my thoughts that can perhaps make this game even better.

So im a really big fan of VR archery games and i think i have played them all. Sadly archery in OrbusVR is a bit lacking at the moment. I like the special arrows system, the ultimate and the charging. But the biggest problems for me is the arrow that sticks to you hand and encourages player to arrowspamm which i hate. Its not a natural, real or immersive feeling. When im doing it even my wife asked me what the hell am i playing :slight_smile: For me the best archery games have been where the quality of the shot is important, not the quantity.

So, one that i would suggest is to lose the sticky arrow. I feel like it would really be more natural if we had to take the each arrow from our quiver, string it, draw, aim and release like in most VR archery games. The extra added button press and movement would slow down firing speed at least 2x, probably even 3x. That would probably be not that hard to implement, the harder part is probably readjusting the damages. Probably when implementing a new system it would be best to measure how much more time the new movement takes on average and then multiply the damage by that factor.

Another suggestion already seen on the forums would add the charging to every shot. That would even more slow down shooting and add more quality to each shot. That way each of your shots has a significance and you have to make them count. This one is less important for me personally, but still very welcome.

These two features would also make the previously added 1 second feature redundant. I personally didn’t really like that one because its felt like a countermeasure to the arrow spamming problem while not really removing the spamming. It also made super charging kind of volatile and hard to understand - especially hard to figure out for a new player who is not aware of that feature since it isn’t mentioned ingame.

I would really love to see some feedback from the developers to see how they feel about these suggestions and what are their thoughts about on ranger.


They just need to add a delay between shots like on musketeer but MUH DEEPS rangers love the spam and are all about the DEEPS life

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Not all Rangers love the spam

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I suggest you all wait for the Talent Tree System before flooding the forum with suggestions about this.


I don’t really see how talent tree will help with improving game mechanics. The facts remains that after all your special arrows and charged shots you will have a period of time where you have to shoot regular arrows and the best damage will be to shoot as fast as possible. As long as the arrow is glued to you hand the motion to shoot as fast as possible will be the strange one of bringing your hands together and pushing them apart really really really fast.

It’s been suggested that the talent system could be used to alter the way archery works to suit a person’s play style. Don’t like spam? Well take the talent that improves the bow’s charge shot. You love spamming and want more of it? Well take the talent that improves damage based of shot consistency. Not saying these are real talents but they are possibilities.

I think having a special hit box that does more damage and requires precision might solve it. Less damage outside hit box, more damage in it. Could be a different location for different creatures.

It’s a good idea but at the moment just getting the current hitboxes to register correctly can be challenging, let alone new overlapping tiny ones.

Yeah they need to be careful when creating talent trees that “promote” two different playstyles. One of them inevitably will be “the winner”. And since Rangers are all about DPS they all will choose the higher DPS one. You’d end up with dangerously hard to balance situations such as talents that bring slower 1 shot per second styles up to snuff with spamming, but then people would ask for rapid fire talents. And that would make rapid fire better period. Or you’d lost out on talenting other nice things. So it becomes a crutch. There’s just no win win way to go about it.

And if you made BOTH viable as I have suggested, you wouldn’t even need to make talents to “suit” the playstyle. Instead, the talent tree can have much more interesting options that are’t necessarily tied to how fast you can fire arrows.

Examples skills

Double shot from out of combat that’s on a cooldown.
A jump shot that deals high ground damage based on the drop.
A ballistic shot that deals extra damage based on the distance.

Examples buffs

Shorter distance to gain globes
Bonus damage from further away
Bonus damage from higher arc drops

My point is, making talents that suit rapid fire or regular fire takes away from valuable real estate that can benefit all rangers in a broader way.

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On my WMR controllers I can’t spam like I can with the Vive controllers but I am not really finding it to be a big deal, so it’s not game breaking if you don’t want to/can’t spam.

my vote would be to change it so it takes 1 sec between attacks for the arrow to reach full damage and incrementally smaller if shot sooner.

this would allow the ranger to actually aim and shoot each arrow, instead of trying to hold your bow arm perfectly still while you other arm rapidly succumbs to elbow strain… while still letting you rapid fire if that is what you prefer, or to just quickly finish off a bit of hp left on a mob,

basicly it would be sort of a basic arrow internal timer, in which you would only be losing dps if you waited to fire longer than 1 sec… i dont mind the way it works currently after developing some skill at it, but i do feel in a long raid run your arm will be wrecked after, 30 mins of firing 3 arrows per second

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