Thanks for the Memories

As we all know, Vanilla Orbus was officially shut down last night. As someone who played since December 2017, I want to say thank you to @Riley_D, @Damage_Da_Mage, @Mathieu_D and the rest of the Orbus team, old and new for creating, maintaining, and constantly improving the world’s first VR MMORPG for us all to enjoy.

My friends and I are all excited to experience Reborn, as are the rest of the community.

Here’s to you guys, the devs!


Thanks for the kind words! We’re all still here thanks to the community support letting us work on this game and continuing to improve it. We’re really thankful that we have such a strong and loving community and here’s to an even longer journey together!


Now if only the sparkle guns worked for more celebration!

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