The new fishing mechanics need adjustments

I do not have any fishing gear and am just a level 5 fisher (I also practically never use potions). I’ve liked the fishing overall, and I agree the jump in difference was a bit jarring. A new player was complaining about trying to catch a sunfish and how long it was taking to reel in / how impossible and rarely succeeded.
I cast my line, one bit, started doing my thing - oh jeez, it really does jump away! It felt like several minutes to reel in that sunfish without breaking my line. It was quite a feat compared to prior - fishing prior had felt overall calm and relaxing, and this was surprisingly challenging (why is the lure still moving away?? It was so close that time! I don’t usually let my line get this red, but I can’t not reel!) just for a sunfish in Kingsport Lake.
I’ll say the first one was lol for the difference in how it felt, but to catch more than one sunfish… is going to take a much longer time with much more effort. Since the change, I’ve only caught 2 sunfish in a single sitting; usually I fish till I have about 20 in one sitting, but maybe that’s the idea? To not be easy / as fruitful up front? That’s what I figured, at least :woman_shrugging:

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Its easy with the gear. But I really think for sunfish minnow bass and cattfish it shouldn’t matter.
Also sharks are easier then sunfish… .

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I’m not a fan of quests or fishing, but wouldn’t mind hooking a few sunfish occasionally. Concerned that it will be too much a bother now, even for common fish. At the moment fishing seems gated behind grindy quests.

Sunfish are significantly harder to catch. I am level 3 with no gear. I now have line breaks and or can spend up to five minutes reeling in. They seem to just swim off into the horizon. My friend said his bobber disappeared. He also noticed it was too difficult.

Have to jump in and say me too on this one. Having to baby the line in catching minnows feels odd, and catching catfish felt ridiculous considering how often and how far the catfish would jump. The relaxing feel has definitely shifted.

Catching low level fish should be as easy as before and it’s a pretty noticeable difference to anyone who fished before.

We made some adjustments to this today, to make it easier. It might still feel different than before due to the changes to the delay in the red line “recovering”, but hopefully it should be as easy in general as it was before.


Thank you for trying and listening :slightly_smiling_face:

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So the reeling feels like its back to normal.

But what I have observed while fishing just minnows (it happens with all other fish but since minnows are the weakest fish to fight its the example I am choosing), is that the strength of the reeling in seems to vary randomly per bite.

Now you’ve said that you haven’t added any mechanics to changing the speed that you can reel in fish correct? And that strength only affects how often and far the fish will “swim” (teleport) away.

But even with full fishing gear, randomly, while catching minnows, the reel rate is sometimes normal but quite often slow, and sometimes extremely slow. Again, you said that you did not change any mechanics with fishing but this definitely wasn’t something that happened prior to the fishing patch. Each fish was reeled in at the same “speed” no matter what type it was. Is this how it should be? Because that’s definitely not happening now.

So while the reeling changes have made it feel and act how it was before, now it has made this reel speed issue more apparent. I’ve tested this on both rift and vive so it doesn’t seem platform dependent.

Anyone else notice these subtle behaviors in fishing?

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I’ve noticed the same sort of thing but wasn’t paying too much attention to it due to watching netflix, thought it was funny that a 1lb axotolol was harder to reel in than a 14lb one, I will go fish again soon and pay closer attention to it

Only thing I can think of is if you are having reprojection happen sometimes and not others, that might be affecting how quickly you can reel in due to how it works. The speed at which the line goes red compared to the speed at which you reel is always the same ratio, but it’s possible that the speed at which you’re reeling is slowed if your computer isn’t “keeping up” with the update cycle.

I was surprised that reel rate was not affected by strength. I just completed all the fishing quests and fishing feels normal again. It felt like how it was before and felt like I could reel in the fish much faster.

The issue seemed to go away after I restarted the VR. It seems like it was the tracking and not reprojection since the frame timing graphs didn’t show any problems. Maybe the tracking of the controllers wasn’t sending the right updates to the game and the haptics replicated how few reel inputs there were.

Fishing without fishing gear still feels worse than before but fishing gear puts it back to normal.

Regarding nibbles, even with fishing gear the chance of nibbles seems to be fairly low. I tend to use a lure and a half just to get 1 nibble…which also seems to be randomly selected out of the pool of fish. Can there be improvements to the nibble system? Perhaps increasing the nibble %, and rotating the nibble to cycle through all the fish at least once before repeating? It just doesn’t seem like the intention is to use dozens of lures just to get a few nibbles in a few bodies of water.

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