The role and purpose of a Ranger

Additionally, piercing arrow could be buffed to actually ignore friends and pierce through enemies like ice lance. There might need to be some DR on consecutive hits (I’m not sure how the numbers would work out). This would add some multi-target damage and increase the skill-ceiling a bit since positioning would become more important.


I totally agee with you. Many of the moves in Orbus are very repetive moves already Wich are bound to cause Some injury for Some But rapidity takes the price for most injury prone of them all imo.

Some extra dps in a game is not worth visiting the fysiotherapist over a long period of time…

I feel like the easiest solution would be a buff to the ranger charged shot. It increases damage by 5% now. Make that 15 and you’ll probably see a ranger in every party.

I don’t think this is the way to go.
I can do basically 75% of a musketeers health already with Charged Piercing.

I like the idea of having Piercing shot actually piercing like Geldan said, although this is just reinforcing the requirements of Poison/Piercing.

Another thing that could be done is to make Fire Rain an Explosive arrow that does AoE damage instantly after like 3 seconds. This would make it useful in PvP and be and immediate AoE clear/damage for PvE

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Yesterday three of Nox’s rangers toiled away at leveling mage.


I would give a bit of leeway to buffing Rangers base damage but slightly. The DPS should be the same for both Runemage and Ranger, in terms of single target. Maybe with a slight advantage to Rangers for shots that require skill. Like not missing, or hitting moving targets, or hitting a different target. Heck even allowing them to have a ‘finish them’ skill where they do more damage if the monster was very close to dying (bosses are off the question though).

The reduced fire arrow cooldown might be a good idea. And if piercing arrow did pierce and do reduce damage to successive targets that would be cool.

It is hard though because we can’t buff rangers too much then one would prefer rangers over Runemages. They have to be given their own individual niche in the party. And ideally to be one such that it benefits the entire party over having a third mage but with diminishing returns when having more rangers. The best way I see buffing Rangers can be done is through the Talent system. Combining some talents, leaving room for new ones with new mechanics.

My ideal party composition would be Warrior, Musky, Runemage, Ranger, and a Jack of all Trades (In certain cases two mages are needed, decurse fights, how can we make it so that in some cases two rangers are needed?).

I fined Ranger is already very dependent on this one skill. I would prefer more strategic diversity then just a straight buff, however I think if you are going to give a straight buff I would rather it on basic arrows since they feel like the most under powered part of the damage kit.

Total mage bias right here, but I think that mages should have slightly higher dps compared to rangers due to slightly lower health. I enjoy the feeling of being a glass cannon, always worried about my health, meanwhile rangers have less but similar dps and can take a few more hits in return.


I believe mage dps should be slightly higher due to skill gap. It’s slightly easier to fire a bow consistently than draw out runes.

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But rangers should have more utility.


The main thing about this is that, pitting a talented mage vs a talented ranger if the gap was widened at all (I assume this is what you meant, but if not then disregard), end game content would still err towards mages 9/10 times if not more because of the increased damage overall.

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They can take one or two more hits, that doesn’t compensate for lack of utility, AOE, and flexibility like mage does. Additionally, most fights aren’t very healing intensive for DPS, and those that require group healing are well suited for musketeer’s AOE healing.

Say we’re running shards. We get a Skywalk but two rangers in the group, that shard gets benched until we have two mages for Squiddie.

I’ve examined Nox’s clear times on shards, and granted there are many variables to consider, but a three mage comp is consistently faster than two mages and a ranger. We don’t even bother running high level shards with two rangers and a mage.


Oh yeah, definitely not. I agree that rangers need more utility and AoE, and think that the piercing arrow puncture idea is the best thing proposed so far.

My stance on this issue is that, to me, things feel pretty well-balanced at the moment. Without altering the damage of any of the classes and simply changing around flexibility/utility of each class would work out best in the long run.


I would like to see my ranger pals receive a few more arrows and utility. I’m sure this will change soon if we bother the devs enough lol


I like suggestions that add to the skill cap of rangers. All Nox’s rangers are really bright people, they’d enjoy more strategic options. Xemisis suggested an arrow that functions as a grapple to draw a mob to the ranger. Something like that could open up new and interesting ways to pull trash. Until new tools can be implemented, a straight buff as you suggest, would be sufficient. Rangers need help right now and they need it quickly.

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I actually don’t even find this to be true in practice. A ranger goes down the same as a mage when a t10 migo kelpie turns on them. Meaning I need I same orbs and reaction speed to keep them up.

Why can’t 2 rangers do squiddie?

I believe that is mostly due to the mages aoe. I would like to see a buff to some sort of aoe for rangers. The piercing arrow hitting multiple targets was a good idea. Some extra utility for them would be nice.


Yeah I agree, I would like to see rangers get more health/armor.


To this I would suggest giving the rangers a health buff and perhaps lowering mage health a tad (if the difference isn’t noticeable) while keeping the current damage values.

I’m not going to name names but I have seen more than one ranger devotee switch to an unleveled and ungeared mage to make 3 mages for that fight. :slight_smile: