Thoughts on stalls?

So I’ve noticed that some stalls even though they are owned do not have any items in them, which I mean is fine because that person is paying for the stall and they can do what they want. But I do feel that it’s kind of a waste of a stall spot, there are at least two stalls empty in Highsteppe and Guild city (at the time of writing this). Any thoughts on the current state of stalls and the price of items, I cant’ help but see super high prices for the most common of things (which is fine, because those items are not hard to get), I suppose it’s a convenience fee. Also I’ve noticed that there are 4 or 5 stalls in the Rain Forest are those going up for bidding anytime soon? Also this is just a discussion no need to get heated about anything I’ve said if it offends you.

I am sure at some point they will set up an automated system. They could have it such that if someone doesn’t use the stall in a certain period of time it goes back up for sale and the original person gets some kind of penalty.

In the kickstart campaign some people bought a special package which give them Market stalls for the first 3 months of the game. Most of the empty stall in Highsteppe are those guys. so a few more months and those will be up for bid.
Next, the reason for the higher prices: Some is that there is a little lack of competition right now, but realize that we have to gather all this stuff. Even if it is low level stuff it still takes about the same time to grab. I can run though the jungle killing everything in sight and just sell them to the smith plus sell the Runemage reagent to players, which has real value, doing that I can make about 1000 every 20 to 30 minutes. If I fish Sunfish, I can catch about 6 to 12 in a half hour. That means I need to sell that sunfish at 100 to break even with what anyone else can do, plus I will need to pay for my stall every month.

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@HamsterNugs what items do you think are over priced, I will work on it for at really is.

I think the prices make sense at the moment. I was annoyed when I first started, but a beginning player shouldn’t be able to just easily buy all the ingredients. However in games like WOW that is a good way to make money on the auction as a green player, I don’t know if that would work in this game since there are a lot less items at this point.

I do miss being able to sell as an early player though. Not sure the best way forward is to allow only high level people to sell, but the game is so new I can’t judge and I don’t know what their plans are.

off the top of my head I can’t remember, I’ll see if I can find some of the crazy ones next time I get on. :smiley:

It seems people have lowered most of their prices they’re not bad now, I hadn’t used the stalls in a couple of days. guess people finally figured that lower prices would sell more items.

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