Todays depression diary entry #113!

ntry 113: so today was a pretty good day I went outside for the first time this week and once I got home I was doing a shard with me, Taki, Hammy, Logariffic and Zanros and of course we played res roulette as always and I had bet 7 and I lost (as usual) and Taki won I think 20k that he forgot to claim (dont tell him) but we finished the shard and I got some gloves im never going to use and then now I have another glimmering so today wasnt terrible until later on until my deep +6 depression kicks in when on my friend and one of the newest elysium members Cleeraze got a +5 legendary on a 13 then we did a broken halls 15 which there Taki had gotten a +6 musket that he also got and then afterwards we ran another broken halls 15 where I finally got a bow but it doesnt say +6 odd it says +5 welp maybe next time but we had a very fun time in this shard in particular (we had mebg tank) and he did well but was yelling THE WHOLE TIME that was todays entry. (sorry for run-on sentences I cant put a . anywhere ever) another side note I plan on doing some more of these if the feedback is good!


Please do one everytime you do another 15. Because this is gold.

Also, ya, Bucky’s done 115 level 15 shards without a single +6 drop for him. That includes rolls too. Any tips on praying to RNGesus?

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I wasn’t yelling the WHOLE time. Only 99% of the time.

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No I was in chat. It was the whole time.

I second this! Please post everytime, Buckyboi needs that drop xD

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This reminds me that I forgot to collect my winnings from my shard! Potato Lardu and chucko, you ow me 5000 dram!


Yaaa bucky, we are all with you, keep this going, haha

entry:117 so today was a very interesting day as to this one who knows what ill do anymore so pretty much we decided to stay up till 1:00 am my time for roll reset and so we decided to do a crypt 15 as usual we played res roulette and I decided on 10 and I forget everyone elses but Takis who had won with 6 (the lowest ive seen in a while) and we were having trouble fighting lich king tank/healer or dps it was all different things each time we tried it and then we decided on just me runemage tanking the boss and its fun runemage tanking having to dodge bolts and all that stuff so we did end up finishing but yes it did break and as we were going to kill the dungeon troll we wiped I think 4 times on one group because of stuff (i dont wanna talk about it sadface) and so we saved 1 as always for rolls at the end and we go to dungeon troll as always im on my 10k ranger looking cool missing my poison and my charged piercing as usual and so we finish the boss and we go to the last enemy we kill it and ZANROS GOT ANOTHER +6 ON LIKE HIS 20TH 15 HES GOTTEN 3 HOWOWOOWOW and so then I rolled and theres a weird glitch where no matter what I do my chest never says what I get so I open it up and I see this weird bow it says arcane bow (ive never seen this bow before) and oh WAIT IT SAYS +6 THATS RIGHT I GOT ONE 117 15s LATER AND SO TONIGHT ELYSIUM WANTS TO THROW A PARTY AT THE TAVERN AT 5:00 PM est everyone invited if you would like to come its just mainly to have fun and hang out!


Omfg you finally did it!! Grats bucky!!


Grats!!! (does not sound sooo depressive anymore :smiley: )

As for bad luck, we were comparing numbers with several people to figure out that awful RNG, however the rate seem to drop dramatically if ppl do many 15s, but binge-do these, like several a day; or if they spread them like one per day, but this one every day, so you got your guaranteed drop and thus a guaranteed chance.
I rarely do more than one 15 daily, but this one consistently and outta around 100 rolls so far I got two times a +6 Musket, Bard Mallets, a Mask, a Scoundrel Gun and I believe a Sword (if this wasn’t a trade, not sure now, could be…). That’s 5-6 drops, so far, so it’s around 5-6% so far, not less than 1 like some others… who could be super-unlucky though, as well. Also I got full luck perk but that’s likely same for all.

Well whatever, good thing in stable groups is, the more people who get +6s the more will trade them at some point :wink: . The classes I don’t play i’d trade to guild members who do, anytime.

so uh entry #119 or #120 so today was a pretty good day but uh somethings is off once again it seems complaining/saying something ish? on the forums has given me the luck of the god and praying to rngesus for 3 days has given yet another one lol! I am seriously conmfused about how not getting one 120 or so 15s in a row and not getting one to getting 2 in a row on roll reset


Maybe I should do this for my overworld drop I seem to not be getting :thinking:

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