Too much empty space in dlc areas (marked areas)3

I am noticing in alot of parts of the dlc, there is not a single monster or item or npc that is keeping the zones alive.

Mugwood areas that have literally nothing in it, bigger areas of blue are bad and death… (the purple part does not exist):

This area (Meadow) is really bad on where you spawn in, you spawn in a big area of nothingness. And alot of the stuff happens there (like the worse escort quest)

I think the point is made, second zone has the same problem. Haven’t been to the fourth zone yet (waiting on guildmates). Hopefully can be looked into to make the entire zones more alive instead of parts of it. I think that would be a good improvement.

Obviously not every piece of blue needs monsters or anything, but the big parts of blue where nothing or almost nothing is surrounding it in a close proximity definitely need to be looked at. Meadow is the most extreme if you want to look at that first…

Other parts of the dlc feel alive though. A very strong alive feeling that the overworld does not have in this amount. :ok_hand:


A lot of reborn is like that! Just not a whole lot of reason to go out of Highstep.

That’s the problem with having bigger maps than what is needed for the amount of content there is. The second picture looks like too much emptiness there. I have not played the DLC so I can’t comment but I trust your judgement in these things xD

That is about a very recent change with mob density and it does concern all those playing the dlc… please read up on the other thread then it becomes clear.

Edit, here is the post of Matthieu: MSP 1- Secrets of Mugwood Patch Notes- Patch 11.50

The plan was to bump down density in the dlc to a normal level after pushing it up to a high level in the first days; now due to several player’s impression it is a bit too empty to make sense (I don’t know if it’s just fewer mobs or whole spawn points have been removed… either way now it’s a bit very few).
This is what that thread is about, not the whole game, it is an illustration of the most recent density change in the dlc. And to judge if it’s now too few or many for grinding, questing etc. it is likely recommended playing it ;-).

As for the fourth zone (questing dungeon), density is ok for me. I wipe at every Octofang with my less-geared alt, but it does not matter much since you can just start over and hope he spawns elsewhere or go another route, most of the time.

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This was one thing we discussed during our testing, was the mob density and placement along with how the quests and storyline would fit into that world. One thing we did with this DLC is we used a system to trigger mobs spawning only during certain quests (like the plant thieves only spawning in during that specific quest). Doing this allowed us to make certain areas feel safe the first time you went through them, but then have monsters spawned in on the path you would take back to the objective for example.

The one downside to doing it this way is that once that quest is over those monsters will disappear (unless someone else in the zone starts that specific quest), which means we also don’t to have too many monster spawners active at all times in that area which could cause the quests to be too difficult to complete because of monster saturation (like the example of the ghosts and the original escort the pilgrim quest from Orbus).

Now that we are getting more feedback from the playerbase, along with seeing how the zones are looking on live game with players running through the storyline I do think we can add some additional monsters spawners to the zones.

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