The previous tooltip blocks tooltips for other items even after it disappears. It’s hard to explain in words, video makes it clear. Audio didn’t record I guess. On the last example in the video, you can see that the part of the square that was covered by the previous tooltip doesn’t work, while the sliver on the left of the square does work.
Video doesn’t have sound if you were talking in it. the hand movements made it seem like you were at least.
You can still see it clearly. if a square was covered by the previous tooltip, it won’t activate. you have to trigger a different tooltip that doesn’t cover it first
This makes a lot of sense, thanks for pointing that out, I’ll take a look at it later today.
Nice find! I always moved the item in another slot to make it work, never noticed the pattern.
Hopefully the devs can finally fix it now that they know what’s causing it.
Excellent deduction, this bug has been around forever and has been so annoying, well done! Hopefully this will help them fix it.
I also noticed today, while fishing near Highsteppe, that there was no box for the tool tips when looking at my equipped items. There was just white text on a white background so it couldn’t be read. The inventory side still had the box.
So thanks to your insight I was finally able to track this down, there will be a patch Monday to fix it for good That patch just went live on the Beta branch if you want to try it out.
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