Treasure maps in impossible places

I had two cases this weekend where I found the spot and the map was vibrating with no chest in sight.

One was in the wastelands about two o’clock on the round lake of pink liquid. It seems to be on a ledge that is not accessible. I got to every location near both on the same level and below. The map was going nuts but no chest.

Second was in Highstep in the location of the new farmhouse. The map goes nuts when you are near one of the houses. I think it is inside.

Your wastelands map was likely the one where you need to use the Paladin hammer to teleport through the big rock. you basically just keep throwing it in and trying to teleport to it, until it gets to the other side and actually teleports you there.

like @Doug_Dimmadome said, the one in wastelands currently has to be teleported to with a paladin, or skywalked to.
In highsteppe there aren’t really any treasure maps that would be inside any of the buildings, so not sure which that could be.

I made a post a while back to make these treasure maps reachable in another way:

What if you are not able to teleport? Shouldn’t all maps be accessible to all players?

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Anyone can pick up a beginner hammer in highsteppe and use it to teleport to it, but I agree that it shouldn’t be required to paladin teleport to get to some of the chests, which is why i made that suggestion a while back.

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I had a map at that spot in highsteppe also. I came to the same conclusion you did.

That it was inside the house?

It seems like a bad idea to just pick up a hammer and equip it as a level 1 in the waistlands. The area we are talking about is not the worst in the land, but I was killed twice as a level 30 just getting there.

All of the Treasure maps should be in accessible places. Putting them in areas that require a specific class ability to get to them is ridiculous. Maps in the Waistlands are hard enough. Getting killed twice just to find out you can’t get to it is not acceptable.

Ya, that’s what I thought… but I don’t know for sure because I didn’t spend a lot of time looking after I figured that.

I have come across the one in the Wastelands too… and that one is pretty easy to get with a level 1 paladin and a hammer if you throw it thru the rock on the same level into the clearing instead of throwing the hammer up from the lower level, because if you do it from the side on the same level there is nothing to aggro.

I will give it a try next time. This map timed out.

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