Warrior - Add or modify combo to have an interrupt affect

The Problem:
The Warrior can only interrupt using a Shield Bash currently. The Shield Bash has a 10 second cool down which might seem quick but in reality it’s very slow.

Bosses generally require more than one interrupt to stop their BFG attack (4x Minotaur’s rage, 3x Dancer’s fusion, etc.). This really inhibits the Warrior’s function as a tank. They might be able to add an interrupt but generally the interrupts will come from other classes.

A rune mage can spam cast pushback which has an interrupt affect. A paladin can throw or drop their hammer with 5 pips with each hit having an interrupt affect. Even a Scoundrel could shoot 3 charged shots (each has an interrupt affect) in the amount of time that a Warrior can do one.

It seems that every other class has a way that they can interrupt that is faster than the Warrior and the interrupt can be done at range (another huge bonus for other classes):

  • 8 sec Charged arrow for Ranger
  • 3 sec Charged musket shot for Musketeer
  • 3 sec Charged bullet for Scoundrel
  • 2 sec Stun totem for shaman
  • Mallet throw for Bard
  • less than 1 sec Pushback for Runemage (which can be spammed)
  • “bonking” the Hammer for Paladin (which they can throw or hit 5x within one second creating a stun-lock)

Lastly, many mobs can Cure themselves (which can be interrupted) repeatedly within 10 seconds. This prevents Warrior’s from solo’ing at lower levels or at any point with the large shield since their damage output cannot outperform a Mob that casts multiple heals that can’t be interrupted. I’m not talking about casters either, but melee mobs like the Brutes that are just outside of Highsteppe.

A Solution:
What I propose is that an existing combo or a new combo have an interrupt affect. This fixes the problems above since a Warrior could potentially take care of interrupting the Boss or a Cure ability (if they are good enough). This will also encourage Warriors to use more combos during a fight rather than sticking to provoke or wound 99% of the time.

Would Shield Bash with the stun/interrupt go away? No. A class can have two attacks that do an interrupt. For example, the Bard can interrupt by hitting the enemy with a mallet or by using the Instrument of Justice’s crescendo.

The Shield bash still has a place in the Warrior’s rotation since it can do more than just an interrupt; it can stun the enemy and do other affects depending on the talents the Warrior has.

I think the combo mechanic is great for the Warrior and I’d like to see it elaborated on. It’s similar to how Rune mages cast spells in the sense that it takes real skill to pull off multiple combos in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, there are only 4 combos with only 2 of them being used 99% of the time! It is sad to see for a really great mechanic.

With a combo that does an interrupt, it would make the Warrior just that much more useful in raids and dungeons and solo’ing a much better experience.


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