Warrior sword hit detection bug

I hope the swing speed requirement was not changed to much. Warrior is already one of the more physically demanding classes and often times after fighting a mob with just a sliver of health I will whimpily swing my sword just to finish it.

If anything it should have remained where its at, I dont think anyone complained at the speed requirement to swing a weapon. Just my thoughts.


So basically before the system was relying a lot on determining when you struck a monster because your sword would enter then exit the monster’s hit collider. Since we changed it to no longer require that (so you can be inside the hit collider of really large mobs and still be able to attack them), we have to rely more on the speed of the strike to determine if it should count or not.

As I said, I will tune it a little more, I have an idea that I think will blend together those approaches nicely. But that’s why it was changed, just to let you know.


So If I swing my Rift controller from my wrist using the strap to maintain a momentum, it will be more effective than before? Whirlwind is back!!! Hah Kidding… but really, its more effective?

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I don’t think it would be any more effective or less effective than it was before, the time required between strikes hasn’t changed at all.

Alright, I guess I will just up my swing speed. I would suggest tuning it down a bit because I can already feel the stress on some of my muscles, shoulder, and elbow joints after only playing for about 30 minutes. Thanks for the quick reply Riley.

Yeah I will put out a new patch in the morning with some additional changes.

I entirely agree with toning the effect down. I’m landing only half of the strikes I used to land.

Function <-


I usually swing harder/faster than is required and this was too much for me lol. It took me a bit to realize the reason I wasn’t hitting anything was the power/speed I was swinging, so going for 4.5 hours straight and then another 2 hours really had an impact.

I think it requires a bit too much effort right now, though I initially loved the extra work required.

The biggest issue with it is all the trash mobs. I thought the amount of adds per mob in the dungeons were great. Not so many you get lost in them and not too few you can stand around bored. The extra effort required per swing makes provoking the adds a lot harder because you have to do full swings for each hit. This makes you slow down and the ‘faster’ turns into ‘slower’.

I’m glad this was noticed, I was thinking if you have to swing that hard, warrior damage should be buffed lol.

It’s much more physical now, but I love how much more control we have. I’ve had more fun swinging my sword today than I have since I started playing. Granted my arm is tired lol

Omg thank you, I though I was going insane! Todays patch completely destroyed the fun out of being a warrior, I am level 18 and if this isnt fixed, im switching classes, its already hard finding tanks, now they will be non existent.

Please fix this Devs, none of my upwards swings are registering anymore, its unplayable.


Yes, I was having trouble with upward swings as well.

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This new change has made tanking a lot harder, not to mention hitbox problems on certain bosses that confound this issue even more.

Right now warrior is feels terrible to play even more so than before when you just had to deal with hitbox problems. Warriors are spending double the effort now and I can’t say Ive talked to any warrior who’s attempted to take advantage of the benefits of this new system because attempting to do so has resulted in even more misses.


I totally agree. I just got off a 1.5 hour session and I’m more worn out now than I’ve ever been playing this game.

Maybe I’m just getting old. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t have any trouble with hit detection and I was not using particularly fast or wide swings. I’m also using the connectws option, if that’s relevant

Whats connectws option?

Setting -connectws in steam launch options. Devs implemented it as a way to resolve some crashing issues but in my case it ended up resolving disconnect issues (some of them) so I kept it. It’s a networking setting. Still though it’s possible that I just didn’t notice the change because of my current swing style.

is there an eta on the fix?

Patch is live with changes to the detection, let us know how it is.


Thanks Mathieu_D, that was quick. Will definitely put up my 2c after work today. You guys are great.