What is the Rupert species? And finding his power level! (Theory)

We all know the all mighty ruin wolf Rupert but is he really as powerful as people say, what is he really, and what even is a ruin wolf? Well I might of found the answer.

  1. What is the ruin wolf
    Ruin wolf is and old game enemy that could be found in the lucian plateau. To see them you had to clime up very long stairs and then you would see their camp.

  2. What is so special about them?
    In preborn there was only one chaos portal open but nothing could exit it only things could enter it, why is this important? Because if this was the case how did the ruin wolfs get here!?!?!?? This means they have the power to travel between dimensions! Why is this so special? Because the only other being who can do this is stephotp and he is the most powerful being in the multiverse coming toe to toe with the chaos gods themselves. Because the ruin wolfs can do it they must have an extreme amount of power. so yes he is definitely as powerful as people say

What is the rune wolfs purpose? To answer this we need to look at another theory, the point of the creation of us and stephotp, as we know there is not much background of us or stephotp but why is this? Maybe because we were created by the two gods of Chaos B’aal and Ma’at. For anyone who doesn’t know B’aal made the chaos dimension and Ma’at made the realm of order (our realm). When they made the worlds a creature was born reflecting the two worlds. We are pure, kind, and everything good like the realm of order and stephotp is cruel powerful and just chaos but the real selling point is how he wants to spread and take over just like the chaos dimension it’s self, think about it stephotp just wants to keep spreading his power and what happened when the chaos portal opened its chaos spread to ours like trying to take over our dimensions. The same intentions as stephotp. So if we are the embodiment of the realm of order and stephotp is the embodiment of the realm of chaos what is Rupert? The realm of dogs? Sadly no but maybe the tie between the realms he keeps the balance, let me explain. We know Rupert used to be human which is from the realm of order but now he’s a ruin wolf which is from the chaos dimension and the two gods would never create something against their realms so maybe he is something the universe created to keep balance! Like anakin in Star Wars being the chosen one keeping balance in the force.

Was every ruin wolf created like that? Yes and no In old game when you could fight them the two worlds were equal so the wolfs didn’t need to fight for one side but when the chaos started spreading the universes didn’t need a wolf that didn’t fight for anyone’s side so it made Rupert to fight with us to push back against the chaos. Which would also explain why his colors changed maybe the colors change depending on the side they’re on.

Rupert is very very powerful and could be a balance keeper between the two worlds and stephotp and us could be the embodiments of the worlds


Just realized I spelled rune like ruin my mistake

Also @Emi ^^

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i mean, you speak for yourself :smiling_imp:

Maybe ascension works much like the mutagen from ninja turtles- the ascended takes the form of the being they’ve have the most/recent contact with. I’m sure rune wolves flocked to Rupert because they sensed his immense power.

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