What needs fixed the most question

I wonder what is the biggest bug that needs fixing. To me its between the mic and the shaking of the turrent for musketeer. I would like fix for he shaking of the turrent.

I’d like better servers

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The long distance radio for me. Any other issues have workarounds or can be tolerated. The compass, on the other hand, has no workaround when it decides to not work. Without it, it is extremely difficult to communicate with a party. Especially with how long it takes to type out a text message in VR.

Any bugs I have found with classes so far has had a workaround. Namely though this is only regarding bugs and not balanced or mechanics.


Another thing is when you hit an enemy and there almost killed they leave you and go back to there spawn point. Maybe there shold be a boundary system so you know where the monsters distance limit is.

Fighting small mobs as a warrior. The hit box is a pain to deal with. Leaning down helps, but it’s still far from 100%. Also, shield bash has to be spot on to work with those small monsters. (I broke a controller that way.)


The workaround on the compass is Discord :confused:

What bugs me about this is one of the coolest parts of the game (and VR in general) is the proximity voice and this is taken away by using Discord.

But wow I thought a lot of people had strange voice till I realised the in-game voice is distorting everything like they are sucking on helium. My spouse and I finally got to play together with him in the room beside me so I could heard the massive distortion. Like he went from 30 year old male to 12 year old boy :family_woman_boy:


We’re aware of the complaints regarding the voice chat and are always trying to improve it. We’ll investigate and see what’s going on. Has it seemed worse lately?

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