Amusing Shard Bug

That tiny white speck is a racing dragon… in front of the portal in the crypt.
Growing inpatient with my fellowship members insisting on dragon racing when I wanted to run my shard, I dropped the shard in while two of them were still racing. I had hoped it would pull them out of the race so I could shoot them a few times with my musket to whip them into shape and we could start our adventure. Instead, they got stuck flying their dragons. Amused by this, they flew their dragons all around the dungeon, doing loops and circling around the three of us who weren’t racing. They couldn’t open any menus or exit the never ending “race”! They goofed around for a good 10 minutes or so before closing the game and relaunching to resolve the issue.

Not game breaking, but I figured I should make the team and community aware. If not fixed, this could make for some fun dragon-themed parties :slight_smile:


I hope I get to do that before it’s patched! That’s so cool!
hopes for an official flying feature like that

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flying mounts!

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You can click the menu button to stop dragon racing if I am not wrong.

Richleth that is what was bugged and not working, at least according to the guild mates who were stuck

Huh now that is odd

Iv had this happen in the overworld a few times. Would be fun except it takes forever to fly anywhere!

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