Anyone confirmed Kylakin fish catchable?

We got a nibble but were unable to catch it with the known lure. Was anyone able to catch it after the not legendary to legendary fish fix?


Oh, Kylakins are legendary now? :tired_face:

I haven’t been fishing yet, I’ve been stocking up on supplies to test lure combos

On a side note if anyone wants to sell me some snake bits and fat fly hit me up

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Hey no commercials on my post! :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

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trumpchange posted a pic of one he caught

Wasn’t that in the beta?

It was before the kylakin fix, cause there was a spot mentioned where u could catch kylakin anytime. Since this was not intentional they added a fix for it, but we had a nibble on it just now and checked with the lure that was published for it but we didnt get a nibble or a catch which seems weird right after such a fix.

and would you disclose the nibble location?

its the same as it was reported to be infinte catch in


hulthines basin

Just to save me from wasting my lures, was that a spot in:


Wastelands? Because I had a nibble there in the beta…

Okay no confirmation yet of this fish being catch able. So potential bug then?

Well Jelmiry has the Kylakin as it’s journal page so it wouldn’t totally shock me I’ve tried a few different lures with Snake+fat when they was* nibbling but nothing.

no, we just dont know the time in which it bites, or the weather conditions

When a fish nibbled u already found it so any conditions dont matter anymore

but it will only bite during those conditions, so you need to know the conditions and time when it nibbled

Unless it works diffrently from every other legendary fish in the game, which u would severly question, they only nibble under certain conditions and you just need the lure.

would be helpful if the nibble condition was also shared, we could solve this with more people trying different lures

The devs themselves said that during the beta it was a glitch that you could catch them at all times.

Plus we already know the lures

Can confirm they are catchable, the lure has changed since the beta though

@Mathieu_D There is a bug where the Kylakin counts towards Jelmiry in the journal and the Jelmiry counts towards Kylakin