"Are you sure" button for rolls

Hi, would it be possible to add a button to confirm that you want to use your rolls ? To avoid clicking on it by accident (it happens sometimes when you’re moving with the window still open in front of you). I also think it would be nice to have this window higher because if you die in during the last fight the chest you get is hiding it completely.


confirm button would be nice


some sort of info on the popup like ‘next roll available in X’ would also be helpful, as most new players don’t know the magic reset o’clock timers. This info would help people make informed decisions about not losing a potential roll due to the game reset, or not wasting a roll if there’s plenty of time ahead to try harder content.


And a confirmation on decline… and no roll-popups during fights if possible.

The one and only lucky lvl 10 we finished, yet, after weeks of leveling shards with our little group I was not getting a daily-roll popup. Did not even see a glimpse of it, could be it bugged out entirely or I hit decline shooting the scoundrel gun, because the 100% was reached during a fight.
If I didn’t happen to have a random drop on this very run, this would’ve been definitly some incentive to ragequit… so very much sweat and work for nothing and nope, I don’t expect we level another 10 anytime soon with raids out, takin more and more new players in, older people already loosing interest in running daily etc.
The roll popup appeared on a lower dungeon we did after so I’m entirely sure I missed out on it.

So yea ANY better system than a one-click on either decline or use would be good.


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