Beta 4 Feedback: Missions

Those mobs in there were bugged and constantly resetting, can you do a zone reset soon?

Thin the herd is not working then if it’s any mob in any area

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Level 25 quest:

Don’t know if it’s intended to be like this, but Ithecac doesn’t have an effect anymore, there is no hidden treasure which was a huge disappointment and you get gold buy just drinking 3 ithecac potions, will there be something to find when the game goes live or will it just be a case of go here, drink 3 pots, you’re done?

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The potion affects will be back in, and there will still be things to find with ithecac, it just wont be tied to things you actually need for PVE progression anymore (like potion recipes), it will be tied to things like lore quests, or other hidden things.


I agree as well. I like the bronze, silver, gold idea but I would personally like a bit more specifics on what I am being asked to do so that I can complete the quest. Currently I accept any mission, go out into the overworld and do “stuff”. When I return I look to see what missions I have at bronze, silver, and gold. I then go back and figure out what I was doing to get the silver status so that I can try and make it gold. Could it be a combination of the Mission tab and the book, where the book gives more details about the individual missions? Pictures of the enemies would be great. I can never see or sometimes remember the name of the enemy I am trying to hunt.
I would also recommend adding details into what each potion does. I believe this type of information should be included somewhere in the game, in a fairly obvious place. Currently we see the ingredients and a name, but no where do you find information about its usage. Of course this would also apply, in my opinion, to using certain lures.
More information in game, again in the compass book, about each event. I like the instructions that appear above my head but it is a bit immersion breaking and in my opinion does not do a good job explaining what I am asked to do and why. Someone recommended providing a board listing when the next event might be occurring, I think this is a great idea and again might be something to include in the compass book in which we have on our person at all times and not something you can only see in Highsteppe.

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Nothing to add to the previous statements, I don’t get most of directions and feel like blindly running around and doing things, hoping to hit the one or other quest :smiley:

Also very good point on the potions, I only learned after 100s of hours, per accident in reborn, what chameleon does…!

More feedback on missions, now that I hit level 15 with one class:

  • It seems to me that instead of being able to pick up, say, all the quests in an area at the same time, the quests are being spaced out across multiple levels… And the levels chosen don’t exactly coincide with the levels of the enemies. Not sure if this was intended, but when you hit the rainforest quests you’re already 4 levels higher than the enemies therein.
  • There are very few quests per level. This means that to level up your class, you need to do basically all the missions on your level and do a few public events. If you happen to put some of this xp to the wrong class, that means more grinding (which is better now, but still problematic for some of the classes with less dps or less survivability)

My recommendations:

  • I think it would be beneficial to people leveling (especially to people who don’t necessarily know what class they want to level up and switch in the middle) to have access to repeatable quests. It would also make a lot of sense with the lore. Having just one quest from each vendor that you’ve completed ‘repeat’ once per day would be great. Or even just the gathering, monster capture and public Event ones because those theoretically shouldn’t need a set group to begin (like boss fights might)
    –> Having quests like the public Event quests and monster capture quests repeat will drive increased levels of participation at the events and at monster nodes
    –> Having resource gathering quests will encourage players to repeat zones to collect the items and drive competition of resources.
  • Increase the number of total quests and then deliver the stack of quests in an area on-level
  • Make the dragon racing quest levels make sense. At present, I’m overleveled for the rainforest and only just got the racing ruins quest. I got swamp smash earlier, but haven’t received the other swamp quest yet. Dungeons are level 10, but still haven’t gotten the dungeon race yet…

@Robert one of the sorceress are stuck in the wall outside highsteppe causing the group to leash as soon as you hit one of them.

lack of fish scent attractors makes the fishing quests somewhat difficult. Cant make them because kingsport apples arent in the game.

I wanted to post about this too! Thank you. I was going to hold off fishing until the next test because of this but by the look of it it’s kinda broken from what I’ve seen posted so might try it later anyway

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The race Second Chance requires 48 seconds for Gold and the fastest run is 48.7, it may not be impossible but i don’t think it’s intended.

Are you sure it requires 48 for gold? I could swear I ran it until I got gold…

As others stated it is likely good to give out missions for each level - or each second level or so - of every class played, since else there is still lots of grinding needed and most likely not enough XP to spread over 8 classes. Also I wonder if it’s even possible doing all the “new” mission after 30 with my lowest classes, say, I got my main to 30, but several others I start with level 1?
For example the critters I needed in this beta were in areas barely accessible with a low level, so after all I would end up turning in quests with the low char, but finishing them with the higher class, but if we have to do that once we got a level 30 main, it means people don’t get the practice needed to learn a class, even if they want to.

Bug: My alt character had no quests showing at all btw and grinding without quests been still very slow and boring. I checked all the questgivers after hitting level 5, nothing, but since I can’t play further today and it gets wiped tomorrow, this does not matter now.

Also I strongly would advise to start quests at level 1, not 3, I was running around before I read this, thinking they are all bugged :smiley: . Getting the first little tasks from npcs right after they enter an MMO is likely something people expect, it is very confusing if there are no directions and you need to go out and kill stuff and then return after leveling until finally an npc wants to talk to you!

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There is a “Tutorial NPC” that we are working on that is going to be basically take you step by step through some initial stuff and get you to Level 3; so that’s why there is a big gap there right now.

Generally speaking I’m not sure we can come up with enough missions to cover all 8 classes; right now the XP bonus for leveling a second class is at +75%, which should more than make up for the lack of missions; so were people trying to level up second classes and still finding it hard?

We could potentially I guess let you re-play missions on each class but I’m not sure if people would find that boring. I kind of thought it was better just not to make you do them at all a second time around. I can see how it makes it kind of ‘aimless’ though.

Is this just for monster kills? I didnt notice it while doing public events or turning missions which are two of the main ways to level up, is that intended?

The time I had to play this beta is too short to tell, the problem could also occur only at the 3rd, 4th or 5th class I guess or become crucial once one hits 30… the events help, but yes, on my ‘bugged’ char the rest of the grinding was still hard, the xp difference is still high so one is tempted to run from event to event instead of killing mobs.

Only thing I’d like to add is that most dragon and all pvp quests are nothing I even get to bronze, and I guess for others that is same, so for the calculation an average player should likely not be expected to turn in each and every quest for gold.

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I would suggest giving everyone access to weekly/daily quests at level 3. I think it is alright to make some missions repeatable.


Hmmm yeah it’s just for monster kills, but you’re right we should make it for Public Events too. I don’t think it would make sense to put it on Missions, since the whole point is to make up for the lack of Mission XP.

Yeah I guess that’s fair :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there any plan for Story missions like the MSQ of original Orbus? That was one thing I loved that there was always a story quest to go for even if I needed to grind a bit to get to those areas without dying. My hope would be that there is a main story quest line and that these vendor missions are supplements to getting to the right level to do them.