Beta 4 Feedback: The Sewers Dungeon

Well I have to say, you did a great job in the 1st dungeon, you missed a little bit which I’ve got a quick clip of here:

The second dungeon is not fixed though, there is issues with the hits not working over the railing and close to the pillars on the 1st boss and also any time you are close to a wall, we clearly show this off in this video, also the invisible walls at the start of the dungeon are still blocking hits which we think is because of the dragon race

Okay well basically there was an overall issue with a way that a part of the server was working which is fixed and was causing most of those issues, the other ones for the railing for example are actually a lack of something to shoot over rather than a invisible wall if that makes sense. So yeah we’ll keep working on those one-off issues, but they should at least no longer be “massive area that is randomly in the middle of the room blocking my shot.”

Robert will watch the video and we can work on it some more after the Dev Boss event.

Been in dungeon queue for about 3 hours now… no luck at all :frowning:

Getting invisible hit boxes for my poison orbs in Battle Grounds. Most noticeably when fighting around the center cave flag anb trying to shoot people as they come into the cage or are just a few feet in. Its like there a dome over the flag blocking shots in a 7ft radius or something. Rickness was there shooting so maybe his arrows were hitting them as well and that’ll show up in the logs.

So there was a bug where basically you could do more damage than intended to the Slime Boss if he wasn’t actively “soaked.” That’s now been fixed, just a heads up for future runs.

That fight makes a lot more sense now and is a lot more fun. Can we get some kind of indication on the ground as to exactly where the water will dump out? Like maybe a wet spot.

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this, please. two of them are right on the shadows, but the other two are wayyy off


Yeah, when this fight was all coming together, we wanted to add some detail to the ground to highlight where it landed. But it was a bit too last minute to get it added. That will definitely be something we add in.

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So the shadows that pretty much perfectly matched drop points on two of the corners were unintentional?

Also, you could add grates, which would make sense and fit with the theme rather then some weird symbol or something

I think one of the environment guys added a light and tried to line up the shadows at one point.

As for the theme, the buckets were put there by the environment artist, and I thought it was a cool idea to use it as buckets of water to sort of dilute the acidic slime boss.


the rat king is such a boring fight for the tank, there is nothing to do other than stand there and keep agro(which isn’t hard at all is you have a decent provoke speed, don’t know about paladin tho).
please add at least some mechanic for the tank to deal with, something as simple as a tank buster in the rotation would help.

as for the slime boss there is no need for a tank (this also goes for the last boss in the first dungeon) which kind of worries me, if there are bosses where you don’t need a tank and there is no clear advantage in having a tank I fear that players who don’t want to play multiple classes and only level a tank are not going to be very “attractive” so to speak for guilds/end game groups and either lose interest in the game or feel forced to play another class they might not enjoy.
IMO all bosses should require a tank or at least have some relatively big advantage in bringing a tank instead of a DPS.

To improve the fight I think he should be faster and the random switching between players should be removed.
These two changes would mean you’d need a tank as he wouldn’t be as easily kitable, you could move him between the water things quicker to reduce the kill time and the random switching between players I think will be mostly just confusing for new players doing the dungeon for the first time and also makes having a tank pointless.

I can’t remember where, but I seem to remember someone mentioning that there weren’t going to be tank busters in reborn. could you confirm if this is the case or not? and if it is the case then please reconsider. shield management is one of the big aspects of tanking as a warrior and without tank busters there isn’t much of it. I also think it could be interesting for paladins maybe have some active ability that lets you take a hit that would normally kill you in exchange for orbs.
if you’re not going to add tank busters at least make sure there are a couple mechanics for the tank to worry about too.


Currently when you leave the sewers dungeon it puts you outside the portal for the lich king dungeon instead

Thanks for the tanking-perspective feedback, always useful to get that.

Our goal is to make it so that every fight does require a tank. Some are more tank-oriented than others, though. Also keep in mind that these are the Level 10 dungeons and as such, the “role requirements” are lower than they will be in the higher-level ones. There will also be some additional mechanics in each dungeon when they are Shard dungeons to up the difficulty.

I will say that we do consider add management a tanking job though so not every fight is going to involve the tank engaging with the primary boss the entire time. It’s also likely though that in the current level of difficulty the adds can be more easily ignored than they will be able to be at higher levels.

Ok, good to hear.
What about my tank buster question tho?

I hope they don’t add ‘tank busters’, as it were, to the sewer slime boss fight. I rather enjoyed the mechanics and think that changing it up every once in a while is a good thing!

The rat boss was a bit boring and tank-and-spanky (Paladin here). I mostly focused my extra time on watching out for rats on both ends. A welcome break from the purely tank-based mechanics of older dungeons

I wasn’t talking about the slime boss spesifically, but reborn in general.

i thought i remembered hearing something about tank busters going away?

thats what I want to know

The problem with the specific way we did tankbuster mechanics before is that they work great for Warriors, and won’t work with any other tanking class we design in the future (including Paladins right now) – unless we decide that every tanking class is going to have a required ‘active’ maneuver to mitigate incoming burst damage. Which we may end up doing, I honestly have’t fully decided yet. However, I can say that if we do bring it back, it’s not going to be in every single boss like it was the last game.

I think tanking is a bit boring without some amount of active participation in minimizing damage received, which is one of the main ways to differentiate those who have mastered tanking and those who have not. I suggested such a mechanic in this thread: Paladin Defensive Mechanic

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