Beta 6 Musketeer Feedback

Played for 4 more hours today, had MANY instances of my heals going through the floor when I try to heal myself. Got me killed several times when my cure wounds would just miss and then I’m boned. The hit reg is GREAT when I am shooting at people, but this floor business is killing me. It will also keep missing unless I move a bit. This has happened in an array of different places in the world and in dungeons…

Tested this; it is definitely fixed, and my healing is hitting for a lot more again. I still think that it’s reduced compared to what it was in the prior version, but it’s at least at a manageable level again!

Did some battle grounds this evening and the orbs going through the ground and not healing myself were really terrible. I’ll shoot a bug report so hopefully I can add to your logs. But something is up with the hitreg when I go to shoot at my feet for a heal.

Okay I don’t know if you saw but in Patch 2.74 we’ve taken a stab at fixing that. It’s coming out now.

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Oh nice! had not seen that post yet. Thanks! Will do testing tomorrow and let you know.

Also, ment to mention that the level 30 skill that lets you charge your turret has an issue. If you charge your turret, throw it out, then grab the blue turret model and hold the turret for a while it will make the turret charge sound again and then when you throw it out the turret just stops working till you kill it.

Healing is terrible today. This fix is a major step back. None of my orbs seem to even leave my gun most the time when shooting straight down. I’m also having terrible hit reg. Will hit a cure wounds right next to a person, hear it explode and then nothing. Also, having heals not seem to land on people. Needs a closer look. Hopefully you figure out something sooner than later, feel kinda broken atm. Cheers!

also, there is a delay after it hits and actually regs.

Can you take a short video of what you’re seeing? Because it doesn’t sound like that’s matching up with what I’m seeing…

The short delay would just be latency and that’s fine but shooting straight down definitely seems to work fine for me.

I’ll try to do that. What it seems to be is I Hip fire my gun ALOT (elbow rested on my side) and it seems if the gun in inside a certain sphere around you it screws up the orb firing. If I extend my arm and shoot down it works. But if I point straight down with the gun at my hip the orbs just disappear. And I noted my hip fire on orbs seems a little inconsistent vs yesterday.

Ohhh…interesting. Okay. I hadn’t tried that. So basically you’re firing “inside” of your body? And just to be clear the orb just disppears you don’t get the effect or anything?

I’d bet this has to do with the ranger change that prevents you from shooting yourself

Okay so part of this problem I have solved in that now if the server thinks someone moved after you hit them, you always at least get credit for hitting the “ground” there. Which is what I think would have caused this type of thing:

That should be active in new dungeon runs now and it will take effect server-wide in the next restart later today. I’ll note it when it goes live in the patch notes so you know.

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Thinking about it, it may clip abit into the model and I wouldn’t know. But ya it looks like the orb just disappears, no effect/hit sound. Just poof, like something ate it. I thought I had recorded myself earlier, but didn’t setup OBS right. Will record something when servers go back up.

Okay yeah so the server-side fix I mentioned is live everywhere so let me know. There is a client-side fix as well that will be out later today to fix the rest hopefully.

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Awesome update. Not seeing any issues so far when hitting the ground near people and healing them now. Also, the issue I was having with orbs getting eatin by something got a little better. The orbs still seems to poof some times, but they actually land anyway.

Update after playing several hours with the client-side fix. Healing is feeling really great. No issues with self healing orbs anymore.

Great thanks for the update! Glad it’s working for you now.

So been playing around some as 30 now. Ran 2 lvl 1 shards crypt and sewers. The first thing that immediately jumps out at me is the fact that my own turret can kill me. This is not something I want to be part of the game. I want a supercharged turret. It seems to make up for the anemic healing we have now to some regards, but not like this. It shouldn’t be tied to damage powering it up I believe.

Cure wounds also needs a bit lower cooldown if it is going to heal for just 1/2 of someone’s health. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat in a group mob pull situation were I’ve used my cure wounds and the person getting beat on was needing more of a heal. But nothing I can do, I’ve used up my tools and I get to watch them get beat down. This all depends on if I can have a supercharged turret out to balance this out, but if the turret goes down during a pull I may accidentally kill myself trying to get a new out. Just not digging this.

I’ve otherwise had a lot of fun as a healer healing with the new mechanics. Lots more mobility and moving around which spices things up. I just think a reduced timmer on cure wounds and re thinking the turret attacking you to super charge it would make a huge difference.

On a final note, I’m not sure how accurate the battlegrounds stats are, but the other evening I was healing like mad trying to keep up teammates and came out of there with around 760,000 healing. The bard on the other team came out of the match with around 1,800,000 healing. That seems off to me.

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I just started my musky, it is indeed way better than last beta, only charging my turret with poison feels very hard. I am used to shoot it while it’s laying on the ground but nothing happens. I basically have to throw it midst-air, then move veeeery close to have a poison registering.

And yea, fights do take extremely long, watching a double-poisoned green mob struggle for a minute is quite a sight. Just like the wildlife, I thought oh let’s quickly kill a vulpe before an event and it was half-over when he finally went down. I am skipping almost all kill-quests, they are not impossible to do, but tedious; luckily I don’t need to farm mobs with that class.

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I did notice that even on my level 20 mage, enemies take a lot longer to kill. Maybe it’s because I’m no longer at max level? In the original version, you got a huge power spike at level 20, such that even same-level mobs become much easier. Perhaps there’s a similar power spike at level 30, and I’m just noticing the absence of that?