Beta 6 Musketeer Feedback

No, one major change is that most mobs are scaled to only +/-4 levels in reborn (except very few, indicated by an icon) that is why and wildlife has a larger health pool than normal mobs even.
Which is bearable with dmg classes, with the scoundrel it’s ok-ish and especially mages should do fine, but the musky is a pain and tanks likely got same issue.


Tanks DEFINITELY have this issue something fierce.

Deep Wound on a shard 6+ made Supercharged turret a pointless effort. Take 1/2 damage, then get wounded just about to death. But a super charged turret is what is needed to keep up with the healing. People are having to dodge wild bolts ect. So the other skill is pointless. They wouldn’t be in the lifewell to get the increased heal.

I have a 30+2 C Gun at the moment.

Edit: Looks like the proc was’t working right. Will try it again today and see.

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Been meaning to ask for this for a while, but keep forgetting. Can you make the turret MUCH MUCH lighter? It has way too much weight to it making it hard to get it out very far. There are mechanics like the airship that make it better to be over with the dps, but make it super hard to toss a turret over near the tank to keep him topped up.

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I also wish to make a note that the orbs not registering is still noticeable. I am not exactly sure of the cause but while killing monsters an orb will register a hit and suddenly not register with the next shot. A orb or two later while hitting the same location it would register again. It was as if the orb / shot just disappeared.
While doing the Highsteep Event I use a gravity orb to pull monsters. I immediately try and shoot a poison orb, sometimes the poison registers and other times it doesn’t. I usually have a better chance of the poison hitting if I wait a second after the enemies are sucked together by the gravity well. I am not sure if this is related to the issue above.
The issue of shooting your feet and it not registering on your character while moving is still a problem in the overworld. It does not matter if you shoot in front of your character or at your feet. The problem seems to be it not registering a splash hit on the character if your moving.

Okay, we’ll see if we can work further on those, they sound like latency issues though so it might just be an issue with latency/server load, that might get improved as we continue to make the server more efficient.

I’m a little disappointed with the level 30 talents for Musketeer, and would like to talk about it for a minute. Much like Empowered Turret and Total Recall, I feel as though there’s really only one option at 30.

The long cooldowns for lifewell and cure wounds make it so that you have to hold onto both to use “All For One”, and you need to make everyone stack together in a lifewell too. I think these circumstances aren’t outrageous to fulfil, but not nearly useful or convenient enough to make it viable compared to a constant 2x power turret.

Also, I view the 50% max HP damage on supercharging as nothing more than an annoyance. If you want to supercharge your turret, your best bet is to drop a Renew on yourself (and preferably stack on someone else to refresh theirs simultaneously), then grab your turret to supercharge.

If you take damage over 50% after you grab a hold, you’re a goner without Renew since you can’t load an orb into your gun once you pick up the turret. I understand the desire for having a penalty to activate it, and I suggest we think about the MSK class itself in ways to have it make more sense.

Shield orb for example, mitigates damage from nearly all incoming sources (including DoTs, provided you apply the shield before the DoT is applied). I was surprised and disappointed to see shield doesn’t mitigate damage from supercharging. Why? It doesn’t make sense with how the class plays.

Another option is to be able to deploy the turret normally at first, then supercharge it as an extension of your Total Recall talent. This way you could still save yourself if you take damage right when you grab onto it the first time.

With one of these suggestions you’d still have to think about when and how you could safely supercharge, and it would make more sense with how the class plays. Or we could just remove the 50% max HP damage, because “One For All” is quite clearly the better talent to choose regardless of the damage taken from supercharging. All the 50% max HP damage penalty is going to do will be causing extremely frustrating, and hopefully super funny wipes. It won’t stop anyone from taking it.

“All For One” is just too inconvenient to have everything fall into place to make the best possible use of it, and we can’t really create content based on the need for that increase in heals (since it’s a choice to take it). As such, I feel that at best “All For One” could maybe change the group composition in raid to be one less healer than normal in a fight.

That still wouldn’t be enough to justify having that talent or having to switch back and forth all the time, and it would get old/frustrating pretty quick if enough fights were designed that way to attempt making it worthwhile by simply forcing us into it.

I highly encourage considering creating a different talent to replace “All For One”. Perhaps something like: For 5 seconds be able to AoE any orb you shoot (from anywhere the shot hits/without having to break your turret). Give it a cooldown of 30 seconds or so.

I still think a 2x turret would be the better choice, but being able to AoE like that would be really tempting. You could spread weakness/poison across trash pulls, AoE heal entire parties when things go crazy (in trash and bosses), mitigate party/raid wide damage without the need to be stacked, or be able to land shots on your tank if they were on the opposite side of a boss. I’m not huge into PvP, but a talent like this would probably be way better than 2x turret.

Bards can AoE heal groups innately, so this could extend what types of content both could do while still having them operate in ways that clearly distinguish one from the other. These are just my opinions, I’d probably still choose supercharge for the record. But as it is, “All For One” just feels tacked on, and “One For All” is at worst still the obvious choice to pick.

An AoE orb ability effectively does, plus goes way beyond what “All For One” can do, while shoring up it’s huge shortcoming of needing 2 super long cooldowns to be forced into using together. If anyone else sees it this way or has thoughts about why I’m wrong, I’d be glad to hear that feedback!


The bubble around me that eats orbs is back btw. Its not as bad as when it cropped up, but if you pull the gun in just a tad to much the orbs get hit by and invisible barrier. This may also be noticeable on the model I am using more. It is a really small gun. it’s the 30+2 C musk gun.


Agree with Axile 100%.

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  • “Bubble” Issue - I got the c gun too and notice it as well
  • Nothing to add to Axile, fully agree, supercharge is the only option and the health-penalty is pretty unbearable, specially on the higher levels; I played a fairly robust healing char, so far, caring for the group and it turned into a fragile suicide one caring for himself all the time…

The sound of the Supercharge turret is far too loud compared to the other sfx in the game. Feels like it could be 10-14 dB lower.


Hate to be a pest, I know you have so many things to work on. Just making sure “The bubble around me that eats orbs is back btw. Its not as bad as when it cropped up, but if you pull the gun in just a tad to much the orbs get hit by and invisible barrier. This may also be noticeable on the model I am using more. It is a really small gun. it’s the 30+2 C musk gun.” is on your list. Have had many a cure wound get eaten by this and screwing the party.

I now have a 30+3 gun and still find this magic barrier around me at times. Super noticeable if I try to shoot a heal to the left while facing forward. Gun shouldn’t be in the model, but in front of the chest.

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This bubble also eats mana shields and decurses from mages.


I have some code in to help track down what is causing this, I just am not sure what it is yet, but it is being worked on.

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That one is a little different I think because whereas we check for any collision at all for Musketeers (becuase they can hit the ground), with Mages we only check for collisions with Monster targets…and so some spells you can actually hit yourself with (e.g. mana shield).

So I’m not really sure how to get rid of that completely, because obviously sometimes you do want to hit yourself with that spell. Or are you saying the spell just goes away entirely and no one gets buffed?

You have to move your wand outside the “bubble” in order to buff others

Right if it’s in the bubble do you get buffed? Or does no one get buffed?

Once the download for the new patch is done I’ll let you know

You get the buff if it hits the bubble

Okay…I have a small change that may make a difference in the next patch. If that doesn’t do anything we may have to just adjust the size of “your own hitbox.”