Computer Specs and Running it

im on a gaming laptop with 8 gigs of DDR4 ram and a 1050 3 gb, with a core 17 7700HQ and i can run vr games like climbey, arizona sunshine, and rec room fine, but this crashed 3 times, i downloaded the new c++ visuals because i got an error about it so ima try it again, but im confused will it work?

Have you tried the alternate connection? After you load the game, but before you log in, there is a window to the left of your character names. The bottom half has connection types. Try the alternate connection. Some people find the game crashes less with that option.

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You may also want to try reverting your drivers. The most up to date drivers for nvidia are causing rendering issues. 388.59 fixed my issues.

got it working amazingly runs smoothly no motion sickness at all and no lag

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What worked? That way if anyone else has this problem, they have a possible answer. :slight_smile:

When I ran with a heavy oc 1050 I got fairly consistent crashes usually after a few hours, and changing the connection didn’t fix anything, I think it’s just an issue with the GPU not being rry powerful

installed visual c++ 2017

60fps looks amazing on a 1050

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