Critter Capture Reputation

Is there going to be more to the critter capture lore soon? I’m trying to level up my rep to get the obnobi lizard pet, but I’m maxed out at level 30 and all of my side quests are only giving me 10 reputation at a time, which is barely moving my rep bar. I’m gonna keep at it regardless, even if it is only 10 rep at a time (I really want that lizard XD), but I was curious.

PS: I don’t wanna seem impatient or whiny. You guys are doing a great job!


Did you do all the lore quests already? (Green-bordered Speech Bubble in the Quest givers menu’s; best do all of them because some involve several) These also give reputation. Once you are done with these apart from the dailies which indeed give not anything mention-able there are only weekly quests for reputation though, 2 per week, so it will take a while…

He is asking about the lore…

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More lore quest need to go in for all rep npcs and they mentioned they are gonna continue to add new ones as time passes and new content is released like the raid on guild city and so forth

Yea I overread that word and then my post didn’t get saved due to being on mobile :wink:

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