Deep Wounds is giving me Deep Emotional Wounds

We had them proc right after ons another so I guess we migh’ve been out healing it for close to 8 seconds, but in that case it doesn’t solve the problem at all.
If you make it so you have 8 seconds AFTER it has been cleared where you can’t get another one it would probably be ok

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Well I think that would probably go against the whole point of the mechanic since then you might as well just leave it on the tank and never heal it so you never get another one.

I guess thinking about it from that standpoint though, the Cure Would orb is on a much longer cooldown. So let’s try 20 seconds and see what that does. That way in theory you could always have regenned your last Cure Wounds orb before it comes around again if you use it right away when it first appears. That’s active for new runs now.


‘cardinal’ in the logs, thats beautiful, sorry for being off topic :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha yes our primary controller process is called cardinal, no idea where we got that from :stuck_out_tongue:


Getting ready to hop on and try some higher level shards and will give some feedback on the most recent change.

I did have a thought and it would seem to me it would be more interesting and skill based for this proc to do more damage over time. Start somewhat small and then ramp up. This requires the group to stay frosty and keep and eye out for the proc, but gives the healer a fighting chance to top it off unless the group fails to notice then its trouble. The only problem I see is balancing that initial lower damage against turret/bard passive healing.

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Deep wounds welcome to my nightmares.

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Still feels like a frustrating mechanic at the moment. Doing 6+ with a paladin makes you blow your cooldowns guaranteed about every 20 seconds on the Paladin. They take twice as many hits as the Warrior. This makes it so no one else can take a single hit or the Paladin tank is boned or I choose the tank and let the dps die.

Something that would make this better is not allow for poison to proc a Deep Wounds. That is just a death sentence on 9 and 10. They both tick and the mage is gone. Deep Wounds should be only from physical hits.

While better than before, on crypt it just feels so awful.


Yes!! You may as well not waste your cool down trying to heal a mage through this.

that. +1

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