Fix Bow Draw Issues Please

But that’s exactly how it FEELS when playing the class. Even though you’re holding your bow hand perfectly still it still tilts because of the arrow hand. It makes it feel awkward and unnatural and imo not how it should function. The bow hand should be the steady foundation and only tilt when you tilt the bow itself, not if you tilt the arrow.

Imma have to agree here that the bow is not realistic to an IRL bow. Nethertheless… Bullets also cannot curve in real life and I cannot fire a gun by simply pulling a trigger over and over without reloading and wizards don’t exist.

So what is the real issue here?

Probably something around this?

I can understand that as one of the few people with lots RL experience with a bow that a game which does not simulate the properties of a bow correctly can be frustrating… Nethertheless… This is not a bow simulation game… Its an MMORPG which categorically has never been a realistic simulator of real life things. The coloured icons on the bow will be extremely useful for you at end game when you need to see debuffs and/or buffs.

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You want us to aim a non-existent bow properly?

What would happen if your arrow hand moves left or right with your perceived change?

Would the bow just stay where its at because the bow hand “aims the bow” and your arrow hand would just have to be not where it actually is in the game?

There is probably a reason why games don’t do this in VR unless i’m missing something.

that makes no sense at all, irl you move your whole bow arm around do aim, if you were to try to move the bow by moving just your wrist you would’t be able to do that, it would be in this scenario that the arrow would actually move up an down the string IF there was little enough friction.

what does make it feel unnatural is rather the fact that there isn’t a bow there and no actual resistance when moving it around.

I would also like to point out the Archer’s Paradox. That is, real arrows wiggle in flight, and this is caused by how the bowstring pushes the arrow against the bow, thus bending the arrow. As the arrow deflects around the bow shaft it wobbles in the opposite direction which deflects the arrow back slightly more than it initially deflected. The result is the arrow can hit targets that it did not actually point directly at when nocked. This is also important to consider on which side the arrow is nocked, inside the bow (between the archer and the bow) or outside the bow. Historically, outside may be more accurate for combat archers.

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I don’t think you understood a single thing I wrote and I’m done trying to explain it.

I don’t think you understand what I’m saying either, I’ve been shooting longbows since I was 3 years old, made multiple longbows myself and know exactly how all this stuff works.
The way it works in orbus is pretty close to irl(minus the overdrawing ofc) and couldn’t be improved that much util we have more advanced VR.
If you really want to I can record a video of how a irl bow is, cuz it really seems like you have no clue what you’re actually talking about.

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So IRL when you draw your arrow back, you use your arrow hand to change the level of the bow? No you don’t. Clearly you’ve never held a bow. Furthermore no one said anything about using wrist. Scroll up and read. You might need to read it a few times given your track record.

…I’m not seeing this. What exsactly are you talking about? The Arrow stays 90° to the bow, and you aim with the end of the arrow, that automaticly tilts the bow. How ells would you shoot?


its a video game it dosnt need to perfectly resemble the real world. thats what archer simulators are for. the way rilely made the bow work is easier to aim for average people who havnt been using a bow since they were a few days old. i do kinda see the point that your coming from that it is probly very weird and janky to u cause you use a bow irl

you CAN use the arrow hand to change the angle of the bow, but you don’t because it’s easier to aim by holding it in a fixed location while moving your bow arm around.
you didn’t say wrist, but you said

that would imply moving the bow around with your bow hand, aka wrist if you wanted to.

I have and by the sounds of it quite a bit more than you

Perhaps I am not explaining it clearly enough since Zach appears to be the only person who understands what I am saying.

Moving the arrow should not move the bow.

That’s my opinion and that’s how it works IRL. You are free to disagree with my opinion, and I won’t be mad if you do.

I have to disagree with this simply because one of the best things about VR is that you are able to incorporate mechanics that are more physical (EX: the entire ranger class), which makes the game more interactive in comparison to just clicking a button and firing an arrow.

I wish I could lock the bow rotation in my bow hand. I found it hard to get used to the fact that the bow hand moves on a really odd loose axis rather than just being locked and requiring you to square up your body to the target. Being able to “aim” with my draw hand is just odd to me. When using a compound bow (what I’m more used to) once you draw back you’re pretty much super stable and have to rotate your torso left and right and back a bit for fine movements and adjustments. The arrow does not move at all. If it does your going to hit your face or it will fly off in a bizarre trajectory. Several VR games have the bow like this and it makes dialing in your shots far easier.

But I’m used to it all now, so I really don’t care either way. Now I just hold the bow like a T-Rex and shoot with my elbows on my sides pulling both directions with both hands.

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Because the aiming in orbus requires (or allows, or whatever, see long FU discussion above with popcorn) you to aim fully or partially with the draw hand, cutouts in tracking are significant on any inside out devices anywhere close to the head. Probably rifts > quest > wmr just due to camera placements. Vive cosmos will soon be another victim I’d assume.

There is a valid point that if the arrow was ‘locked’ (similar to gunstock mechanics in many games latching the gunstock when cradled to the body) when drawn then you wouldn’t experience inconsistent aim with rift-s, wmr, or quest, etc which might be good maybe even as a togglable option whether it’s true to life or not. Makes more sense due to the limitations of inside out tracking to keep the controllers within the tracking volume and not encourage users to intentionally flirt with sensor cutouts and think the game is sketchy.

This would definitely affect the whole 2 methods of shooting far/fast/flat… really fast draw, or really stretched out draw that seem to work now. Drawing the bow behind the head obviously doesn’t work with these devices very well at all… and keeping your bow hand stable while snapping your draw hand fast would freak out if the draw hand keeps getting occluded (happens today, although you can fake it a bit because it guesses straight lines well – better to draw to the chest) or keeps snapping to a fixed position (why the suggestion of locking it becomes tricky).

All reasons I jumped off archer on orbus OG using WMR and returned to try something else in Reborn (and happen to have a quest now to try also), and am interested in where this thread winds up :slight_smile:

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