Fix Bow Draw Issues Please

Okay so first of all, the clearest issue is ‘overdrawing’. A full draw of a bow is NOT stretching your arms as far apart as inhumanly possible! Trying to aim at targets past 50 meters doing this is ridiculous. When the model’s bowstring physically hits the limit should be the max. Perhaps have a posture setup for bows on first use (and config option?) that shows the player how to properly draw a bow to full length and use the distance between the hands to set the maximun draw length that way., but also put in a minimum limit so people don’t make super short bow lengths. I also recommend scaling the bow’s model to fit this real world measurement to avoid any incongruous feelings for the player.

Second, the icons around the bow handle can be obstructive while aiming! Like, annoyingly so. How about moving them around so the area used for sighting the shot is free of icons? And have the icon layout mirrored if the bow is being held in the other hand.

Third, please add a config option to stop or shrink the glow effects from special arrows while they are nocked! They, especially the poison arrow as far as I have experienced, is pretty bloody blinding when trying to actually aim properly at anything thats outside spitting distance.

This coming from someone who knows how to use a real bow, and can still reasonabky hit things ingame around 70-100m away.

so here’s my opinion after playing ranger for a year:

  1. the ‘full draw’ range is too low on the bow (it should shoot further and faster and straighter on just a regular non-overdrawn shot)
  2. The overdraw shouldnt use your drawing hand to aim the arrow (bows dont work that way), it should instead draw a vector at a 90 degree angle from the front of the bow. You use your gripping hand to aim a bow in real life, not the arrow hand.

This is what completely turned me off from the Ranger

if you are pulling the bow so your hand reaches your ear you are going to shoot about the right range for combat distance in orbus. it is rare you need to shoot farther than 50 meters.

ok on a personal note “overdrawing” is not an issue it is fun being able to shoot enimes outside there agro radios an have them leash before getting to me was funny and interesting then showing new players shooting from one side of new highstepp to over the wall on the other side and hearing there amazement is a nice thing, from how I read this it seems like you want to remove a grate feature that has been a part of orbus at the old betas, all you need to do is draw the bow how normal and it works fine I have used bows and I do the same thing (ish) I do in orbus, aim, draw to my ear, release. it works fine. I know what I’m talking about to I’ve played this game from the original betas.

to go on the the things about the glow on arrows in things like shards you’re not going to be aiming from a long distance lineing up a shot, you’re going to be shooting when your bar is filled or (like me) filling your dps bar by shooting. in this game you can use your previous arrow to correct your next arrow.

also you are rarely going to be 70-100 M away from a mob if you are you can mess up the agro or if you’re in a dungeon you will be through the map or to far way for classes like the bard to buff or heal you if you take damage.

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recently i have been playing ranger and dont see the harm in being able to over draw the bow for multiple reasons
1 its not particularly usefull
2 its hard to aim
3 its takes way longer to do than a normal shot
4 the only thing that overdrawing the bow does is give more range
5 the only use for over drawing is if you get less trash at aiming it you can agro from far away and to show off to new players by shooting super far

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I dont have issues with being able to overdraw. I do think that the aiming mechanism is incorrect though, as bows in real life aim from the front of the bow and bows in orbus aim from the back of the arrow

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theres no issue with overdraw

might also have the benefit of the ‘aiming’ portion of the bow being in sight of all the new inside out trackers :wink:

This is a really good point. I wonder how that works

Um, no. Irl you move your whole arm to aim, but you could also move your drawback arm around to aim. Orbus bow aiming is pretty similar to irl bow aiming.

Once you knock an arrow you cannot easily move it up and down the string. Once you draw it back you are definitely not moving it up and down the string

Umm you definitely can’t overdraw in the real world… Your arrow would just fall off. It is only similar when you have proper form, but if you have improper form, it is wildly different from reality

I wasn’t talking about the overdrawing, but the aiming it self

My point was that the aiming mechanism is wrong. You just don’t really notice how wrong it is until you overdraw

…IRL it depends on what bow you have how you aim it. Longbow or riding bow are very different when aiming from the bow or arrow hand.

But yah the animation stopping but still gives more power is a bit ofputting.

My biggest problem was always the odd positioning of the arrow on the vive controller and the offset for the head. I want to have the end of my arrow right at the bottom of the trigger, and I want it to be a set point. Not wabel around

this odd positioning actually gives a huge advantage in dps on rapidity over oculus controllers because it starts the drawback animation further away from the bow string(and therefore takes less time to full draw)

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Doesn’t matter what kind of bow you have, unless it a toy nerf bow, once an arrow is knocked, it doesn’t move up or down, which is what he meant by aiming or at least how I understood him. Not where you pull it too and what you look down as the “sight” as that can often differ from person to person even with the same type of bow.

The bow in this game feels like a nerf bow in the sense that the arrow doesn’t truly knock and can be moved up and down the string to aim. Have you ever seen an archer ever have a bow drawn back and then decide to move the arrow up/down and still keep the bow completely level? If so, I would be very interested in seeing this.

it doesn’t move up and down the string at all, you tilt the bow as you move the arrow around which is also what would happen if you did that irl, but you usually just put it by your cheek and move the bow itself around, which you can also do here.
you CAN move the back of the arrow around irl and then the bow would follow, but it’s a lot more straining to do that irl than in game.also a lot easier to aim by moving the bow hand than than the arrow hand, it gives more precise control over the arrows trajectory

Uhm the proper way to use a bow of any kind of bow is to have the arrow perpendicular to the bow. You do not move the knock (back of the arrow) up and down the string, but you do in this game and it feels terrible, wrong, and beyond strange.
If you do not have the knock in the middle of the string you will not shoot straight and you will lose a lot of force. You can just simply google “archers” and look at images. Every single picture will have that arrow center mass perectly perpendicular to the bow. Even ancient drawings show this all the way up to modern olympians.
You never ever draw your string back and then move the back of the arrow to adjust like you do in this game. It’s dangerous and ineffective.


obviously you don’t move the arrow up and down the string, that’s not what I said and you don’t do that in this game either, when you move the hand you hold the arrow in up and down the bow itself tilts with it, where you knock the arrow stays in one spot compared to the bow. it doesn’t slide up and down the string.