Gilded Rep Armor

it would be cool to have guild assigned armor for each guild member like in classic orbusvr in the fellowship hall have display guild armor for each rank never got it but would be awesome to get to wear it in reborn

We have plans to increase the reputation levels in the future as well as offer new rewards to match these new levels, but this will come alongside new content for those activities (e.g. new missions, new dragon races etc.)

The current reputation being gained right now when you are capped will not carry over though, and the main reason to continue doing these missions at the moment if your disciplines are all max level is the overleveling perks, or if you need stuff from them, the reward chests.

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Pretty sure this is the main issue. Even if the new stuff isn’t out yet, it should somehow carry over if possible. To counter the fact it doesn’t carry over, Rickness has been keeping his finished weeklies stored, which I believe prevents you from picking up daily missions of the same type. Basically meaning he can’t do dailies because he’s trying to maximize his reputation gain, therefore meaning he can’t maximize his overleveling potential.

TL;DR - Using weeklies for XP is stupid and inefficient, and the reputation earned from turning them in should be stored somehow for when reputation is expanded upon.

the weeklies don’t affect the dailies, we’re just storing the weeklies so we don’t waste our rep


So does this also hint in that it is best to spend the weekies now instead of keep storing them? Because the rep will not be rewarded when the change comes out?

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No, sounds like the opposite, turning them in now will only reward exp and reward chests (woo more junk to get rid of) they will be expanded on in the future so store them up now so you can turn them in once they add the extra missions to reap the rep reward once that happens, so for now, until something changes, that seems to be the best way forward, unless you are in a hurry for overlevel perk points, however rep which is gated by weeklies is much more valuable to hold on to than exp which can easily be farmed without limits of weeklies, it’s your call what you do with your weeklies though

So to be clear, that means saving up weekly missions right now will have no point anymore? Since old missions won’t count for the new rep points, but there will be new activities added for this? Or will saved old weekly missions count for the new rep?

(And not even sure if I’d save them up either way, having the new max rep in a day and having nothing to do, again, is not really fun… also, new dragon races etc. sounds like a major update which isn’t to be expected very soon.)

When we originally designed the system, we left in the ability to turn in “old” weekly missions for the players that might only play one or two days a week, and made progress on the weeklies but were holding out hoping to get a higher reward before turning them in, but didn’t. We wanted to make sure that they had a chance to turn in the weeklies even after the “week” was over so that they could at least get some reward for their efforts even if they didn’t make it back online before the end. It was never meant as a way to save up week after week of missions to turn in all at once when newer content came out. That being said I know there are players that have already saved up weekly missions in hopes of using them towards the future reputation increases. So we will be putting in a cap of 10 weekly missions saved per type. This means if want to try and store up reputation for future content you can up to a point, but you will only be able to keep 10 per type before the new content comes out.

To sum it all up, you will be able to save up to 10 weeklies of each type towards future reputation, anything above that limit you are better off turning in now as there will be a cap before any new content is added.

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…your adding cap on quests only because people don’t see any reward in turning them in currently?

Most of the playerbase, including me don’t even bother with daily and weekly quests anymore, and you want to put a stop to the handful diligent few that keep doing them?

The few remaining hardcore players that ar still sthere to explain events to beginners?

You SURE that is a good idea @Robert?


Obviously, there’s a serious concern that die hard players who have been grinding the same old quests for weeks will… get bored when new content comes out? Be sad they get goodies early?

Not saying there’s not a good reason, but you may need to phrase the change in a way that actually appeals to people, rather than declaring it so. Especially when a solid chunk of this thread is people concerned that play and grinding today might go unrewarded - a reality you’re suddenly forcing arbitrarily.


It’s very possible that I could of explained it better and that some of my intent was lost in my post, so Ill try again.

The original intent of letting weeklies build up was to allow players to turn them in after the fact to still salvage some of the rewards for their effort, but was never meant to be a saving account of sorts for reputation for future content. So instead of patching it to be in-line with our original intent and only allowing the previous weekly to be saved, I thought it would be a good compromise to allow the last 10 weeklies to be saved instead, since I know some people have already started doing this (although Im sure some have more then 10 saved up currently). This seemed like a good compromise that allowed players to “bank” some weekly reputation credit towards future content, giving them a head start into the new content, but also ensuring that it wasn’t enough to make the new content meaningless.

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I think that was generally understood, but it still leaves dedicated players left in a lurch, I think. Not least of all because when they complete the next X levels of Reputation the hard way, they’ll be back where they started (at Max Rep with little reason to complete missions). Nevermind the wasted effort they’ve optimistically banked with all the weeklies left incomplete for a better day that won’t come.

Basically, as much as “oops” is a reasonable response, I’m guessing it’s not really that satisfying as a player.

Is this the last 10 sets (i.e. 140?) or the last 10 missions (i.e. only 10)?

Cool, get rid of one the reasons I still log in and play, good job dev team. Rather than fixing real issues you fix our workaround so we can continue to play and build up reputation, rather than adding in so it tracks it in the background so we can turn quests in and get the reputation we should get you force us to either turn them in or stop doing them after we have 10… that’s great.

Doing my weeklies and raiding are the only reasons I’ve been logging in, most of my friends already stopped playing, its harder and harder to get a raid group together so with this change, soon I won’t even be logging in anymore.

I don’t know what’s happened recently but the dev team used to communicate much better on the forums, I’ve been checking and it’s been 2-3 days between each time Riley even bothers to check the forums now, you’ve completely ignored our thread about the changes/fixes that need to be made so the end game content can be enjoyed, right now it’s full of bugs, crashes and desyncs, the lack in response to that thread seriously worries me about the future of this game.

I want to continue to play this game, I wouldn’t have 4000 played time if I didn’t enjoy the game, I’ve made a lot of friends playing this game and most of them also feel the same as me now, we want to keep playing but the game is dead and boring now, the Devs aren’t listening or fixing the important stuff and it’s just getting worse


So the problem we have with the weeklies rep cap:

  • Most weeklies takes relative good amount of time and trouble to get to gold. So the xp is not worth the time because you will get it faster doing some other things.
  • Because weeklies give a good amount of rep the reason to keep doing weeklies is getting the rep.
  • When you are 8 rep you have no good incensitive to keep doing the weeklies. So the comminity just stacks the missions up to actually keep having a reason to do weeklies.
  • The compromise of 10 weeklies will just be the same as having the rep 8 cap. It is a cap where there is no point to do weeklies anymore when you reach that cap. With also still giving the problem of ppl getting a headstart on content.

So there is no good reason to keep doing weeklies anymore when that cap is reached which is not good!

I do understand that having ppl stack up weeklies to make use of that extra rep when the new content comes out is problematic on itself. So something has to be done to not let that happen. I don’t think this is the right approach. I think there needs to be another approach to this. Because capping the weeklies fixes the problem of ppl pre stacking rep BUT causes the problem to remove the incensitive to do weeklies all together, which is not what you want, right?

So we need to think of something that rewards ppl doing weeklies forever while not having a headstart in new content. Hopefully you can do something that satesfies this.

Or we just accept the headstart, I don’t mind. It happened before with fish rep from old game and basically ppl starting to play the game later anyway. But rep will not be rewarding forever, because you can’t add rewards forever on every rep lvl. So long term this ‘end of line’ problem will still be there.


How about rep ‘tiers’?

  1. Get to rep 8 the first time
  2. Hit a box that says “Tier Up!”
  3. Have to re-do getting to rep 8, but rewards are silvered
  4. Repeat, with gilded?

This way people can choose to reset and get silvered or gilded options, or choose not to to store up their rep if they don’t think they’ll have time to get it back up before new content

Which, let’s be real here, is exactly what the same people who have been redoing weeklies have been asking for since MAY. Reborn came out in April. The only reason not to add silvered and gilded to expand this is if you intend to make those real rewards for rep later… Which would be absolutely a poor decision, given that silvered and gilded items look awful most of the time and nobody really wants to wear them.

Edit: better yet, make the tiers selectable so that people can choose how to progress, but cap each tier at (t-1)-1 (i.e. 6/5/4 or 7/6/5 might be allowable) until the prior one hits the cap so you can max the next (i.e. 8/8/8). Auto-add any rep put into a maxed tier into the next one. This way when you expand the rep to 16 or whatever, people will still have that added requirement of progression in the new ranks, without feeling unrewarded for their continual gaming.

Add to it as well that when you hit ranks for titles, you get that title again as “Silver X” or “Golden X” or something (let’s be real here, you were not planning to repeat any titles, right??). That way people can show off a “Golden Duke” or something title and there’s very little work you guys need to do to make that happen.


Whatever the original intent was you need to sit back down and rethink this. It is baffling that you would make this change. You literally want to kill one of the gameplay loops that keep some of the players around still.


Seriously what do you expect… a forthcomin reputation cap which is THAT high so that the fraction of people who saved up a hundred weeklies are NOT bored on the first day it comes out?! Because that is the consequence to keep you guys entertained and it would imbalance the game greatly.
GL finding groups for battlegrounds, for example, if all the hardcore players are already done w rep before the rest is starting.

Most don’t even get to the idea to save things up for further updates - if they don’t happen to read forums. They turn the weeklies in for xp/perks like they are meant to be. Or take a lil break from them and do other things, for example there’s an influx of quest users who are happy if the more experienced players would perhaps offer advise and pug runs with them now and then, host world bosses and what not.

I think saving up 10 is already much, that means everyone else who is less … well, smart or call it creative… will play 5 weeks longer than you to get to the max rep and not one player NOT saving things up rightaway is having a single chance to speed it up.
And during these 5 weeks there likely will be countless posts of those who saved things up stating that they are oh-so-bored now and done with everything.
I mean, really…

PS: I don’t know why the weeklies don’t expire after 2 weeks anyway. One week to turn them in after reset is plenty and even without the above explanation of Robert the purpose of them not expiring right away seemed pretty obvious, it is to give the more casual players a bit more time to turn them in.


If you intend to make a cap on weeklies make some other reward for turning in missions while at the rep cap.

As it stands 10 weeklies would be a compromise and a fix to the system that was intended, while it’d give players with over 10 no reward for their past efforts.

Give something. Some other incentive, because this will happen again unless you plan on pumping out new rep levels and rep rewards consistently and constantly.


I have nothing against additional rewards, however…

I am also doing all the weeklies I can, since day 1. Many simply had no idea that you can get additional rewards by ‘saving’, I did not expect a headstart either since I don’t find it quite fair… we all did the same ‘work’ just fyi, only that some counted on devs makin quests past max-rep valuable for future rep while others turned them in and did not even think about that possibility. There is no clue in the game about it either.

Also I frankly hate all the saved weeklies cluttering up the mission tab and make me scroll forever to reach the dailies. It would be way more fair to finally record the rep gotten from every player who does weeklies from now on and turns them in being on max rep, internally.

There can be an internal cap which is hit after 10 and gives you a headstart on the future rep (if you knew about it or not) and even some other rewards for those turned in after the 10.

It would be a cleaner solution than rewarding those who read this very thread and leaving all other players without a clue that additional rewards/a headstart for weeklies you save past max-rep even exist.

And an internal rep-record for everyone, with rewards given out now or later, would also un-clutter the mission-tabs of those saving up quests. I shuddered when I saw Rickness log, really… let us turn them all in without punishments/lost rep!

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