Issue with streaming with steam VR

With Steam VR sometimes Orbus switches hands randomly… This causes my VR avatar on my streams to cross its arms.

Is it possible to resolve this issue?

On a side note, can you tell me how to setup one of those, I’d love that for streaming >.>

Its a big trend in Japan right now using a file format called VRM.

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it happened again

I can reproduce it by switching one controller off and switching it back on… at which point the hands switch around.

The SteamVR subsystem determines what hand is right and which one is left, we don’t really have any control over that, we just use what it tells us.

The problem is that you re-assign left and right when the controller turns back on… if a controller is already determined as the ‘left hand’ lets say and the right hand is turned off and there is only 1 hand left… Then when the right hand turns back on… the hand should be determined as the right hand… Not as the new left hand which the SteamVR subsystem determines… The subsystem hand should only be determined on first boot I think.

I’m not sure if you have tried this in any other Unity game, but my guess is you will see the same behaviour, as we are just using the standard setup.

well you can see in the video that the avatar i have has its arms crossed… because it retains state of hands throughout the game play where as orbus does not… The behaviour I observed in other apps is the same as the 3d avatar shown in the video not the behaviour you can see in OrbusVR. Maybe I have been playing the wrong games? Generally I have to stop and switch hands after i switch on a new controller in orbus… I havent had to do that in other games.

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