Mage ultimate is kind of bad

There are 2 problems with the mage ultimate at the moment:

  • With the introduction of triplicity the mage ultimate just doesn’t feel that good at all… it is actually kind of weak. In comparison to the ranger ultimate, it deals considerably less damage in the same time period.

  • It sometimes does not hit at all, even if you fire directly at the enemy it is as though the raycast never even detects that it hit. its a bit weird… subsequently no damage is taken from the enemy.

TLDR; Mage ultimate is too weak and doesn’t work sometimes.


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Least it’s better than Shaman ult.


And Scoundrel

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And paladin


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Stuff like this adds little value to the conversation and makes you look foolish.

Now onto the subject, mage ult likely could use a look at, but not sure the damage would need changing as the class as a whole is in a good spot dps wise. It’s a shame its not more flashy and it certainly should not be missing when you do use it. That sounds utterly frustrating to pop it off and not hit the thing right in front of you.


i just had to let him know it didnt need a buff.
the bugs are annoying sure
but anything considered a buff for mage is an oof in my book
krunkie flunky

tbh, triplicity seems more like an ultimate than most ultimates out there.


You say that ranger ultimate does more damage while it’s active, and while that is true, rangers get there ultimates much more slowly, however you get mage ultimate pretty often

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I mean we could sit here all day derailing the thread and talking about how other aspects of mages are working but let me just reiterate with a TLDR;

  1. mage ultimate does low damage and therefore is not very ultimate.

  2. it does not hit sometimes.

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