Megathread: Stuck Combat

We are still investigating the causes of this happening, but thank you for reporting. You were just fighting mobs as normal, killing them over and over and suddenly stuck?

Yeah. I was exploring. Hmm, lets see. As far as i remember i exited Highsteppe down towards the fisherman hut and then further down the road. I crossed the bridge near the witch cave and continued that way.

I got the bug somewhere further down around where/or before the road has a Y split with the left side going up to a lookout tower. That is where i ended up logging out and back in to resolve the bug and not walk at snail pace (or repeatedly teleporting as it were).

Could it have been a mob glitching through the terrain and following me below it keeping me in combat perhaps? When i got the bug i was frantically looking around for what was going to attack me, but there was nothing there.

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Thanks for the information. We’ll keep a look out.

Could you possibly be overweight having picked up some loots?

What I noticed is being stuck happens to me often when I just run away from an enemy to leash it. It seems to happen more frequent when the enemy leashes while his attack animation is playing.

I’ve also found that without failure, every time I leash a monster and go back to kill the same monster, I’m stuck in combat afterwards. Off the top of my head I can’t remember a time this DIDN’T happen

If you can recreate it so certain, if possible take a video and send logs to devs. This’ll help em narrow the cause down.

Aye, good idea. I’ll do that as I get home today

^ theres a clip of it happening. As we can see, I get stuck in combat on the second leashing (the first one ran a… weird path back so I thought it disappeared). After I unstuck myself, I can kill monsters fine without getting stuck, but as soon as I leash and kill the previously leashed one, I get stuck in combat again.

I sent the output_log to @Riley_D via email about this


NICE! Hopefully they can narrow a cause down.

Hey everyone!

I’ve merged this thread into the megathread for tracking the stuck combat issue just to help keep everything organized, but thanks for continuing to report the issue and any leads you have on it.

Thanks for that! That is very helpful.

I actually wrote this this morning, but since i was out of post counts as a new forum user, i had to edit it into my original post. Anyway, here it is as a repost:

Just got this bug again going to the burning forest for the first time. I attacked and killed the first wyrm immediately to the left of the rightmost tree (coming there by following the cliffside from guild city). After it died i was stuck in combat.

Furthermore, i put my HMD and controllers (Rift+touch) down to write this straight after. Coming back, the game was frozen, could not be quit from Oculus and i had to force quit it in windows.

Restarting the game and logging back in i got constant freeze-ups which i thought i had solved with the websocket option (see the “constant freezes and crashes thread”). Perhaps some of the game is still lingering? I’ll restart the oculus services and software to see if that is the case.

( after restarting: )

It would appear my suspicion was correct. After restarting the oculus software and OVRService, the game ran smooth as butter again.

No leashing was involved getting the bug like in @aRkker 's video. However, it is possible that someone else had agroed and leashed the mob before i got there for the same result perhaps?

I’ve noticed that when playing with other people who are not in our group that it indeed does work that way that you suspected: if someone, anyone, has ever leashed the monster, whoever is the unfortunate chap to kill that “cursed one” will be stuck in combat. Now I don’t know how long this persists, but I’ve noticed it behaving that way

As noted in the patch notes from this morning (Server-Side Patch This Morning) we’ve made a change that we think should resolve a good portion of the stuck combat issues. If you are still experiencing these issues please post here and let us know so we can continue to work toward a solution.



Hey all! So it’s been several days since the patch went out and you’ve all been in the new raid and playing over the weekend. I just wanted to bump the thread and see if anyone had still been running into the stuck combat issue. Even if it is inconsistent I’d still like to know so I can continue to track down any remaining causes of the issue.

I know there was an issue with people getting stuck in combat when the entire party was dead in the new raid, but that’s the only instance of this issue I’m aware of currently.

Thanks everyone!

That happened in shards sometimes too, we would normally use go to graveyard (again) or stuck combat to try and get out of it rather than waiting for the boss to kill our dead bodies, I’ve not really done shards recently so can’t comment if it’s still happening

I grinded ranger lvl 18-19 on the “highest” level regular mobs in the necropolar yesterday. I did run away a few times due to doublepulling/too many chill debuffs/low health/messing up. Going back and killing a previously leashed mob would normally get you stuck in combat.

I don’t recall that happening at all yesterday, so that part seems like it was fixed.

Just stuck in combat, was on boss 5 and died in hell, boss died while I was up there, I released and then was stuck with slow movement and stuck in combat option did not fix it. Going to graveyard also didn’t unstuck me

Sent output log

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