Menu button doesn't work

I’m currently stuck on the tutorial stage, unable to open my menu. It was working before, not anymore though :frowning: anyone can help me out?

How are you trying to open your menu?

by pressing the default menu button the one that is on top of the joystick and have 3 horizontal line? (HTC vive)

mmmh, you tried restarting the game (maybe desynced)? checking the menu button of both controllers? and checking if those buttons are still working in general? Other then that I don’t know why it would not be working.

button are working in general, tested it on other game. restarting the game doesn’t fix it :frowning: It was working before.

Does the menu come up when you wave at Darius in Highsteppe?

yes, I have “fix” it by turning the hand gesture on, but the menu button still wont work.

Hi, just to follow up, neither hand controller buttons work? It’s possible somehow push-to-talk is enabled, which disables the menu button opening on the right side, but the left side should work.

Eehm you can only enable/disable the hand guesture in your menu. That means you got in your menu. Are we talking about another menu? Maybe the npc menu? You wave to the npc to open that menu. (Like darius)


scott, I finally get into menu by talking to NPC, It opened the shop, then I just pick the option, and turn on hang gesture.

The other thing I can think of is you need to check you steamVR controller settings for Orbus in the settings menu. Those buttons may have gotten reassigned some how

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