Mission change. So I know where i am going

You guys should change it so for missions all I have to do is click on a mission and it shows me where it’s at or something it would be very helpful I would also know where I’m going half the time like if there’s arrows pointing to where I need to go And I don’t have to hover over it at the mission to read what it is I just have to click on it and then click Follow or something and click on it again to stop if this was in the game it would be really cool

Orbus is very much about exploring the world and figuring your surroundings. It got way less text than many pc rpgs I played, however reading and finding clues is part of what most appreciate about the game. I agree that some missions are worded vague (examples of where you are stuck would be good; other players here and on discord can help you then), but most of them are pretty clear if you look around… There’s even exclamation marks over the mobs you have to kill, that’s a service OG players did not have :wink:


As Metris said this game has a lot to do with exploration, While I feel like they dimmed that down with the inclusions of maps for all areas and an interactive map the game still has that element. I suggest read the mission carefully, usually it will tell you exactly what zone something is in. As for lore quests they require careful looking for clues around the world. Having a taxi arrow point you to where you need to go for lore quests or for missions would just be a little out of taste for orbus in my opinion.

Make some friends and ask around for help. Many players would be more than willing.

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