Musketeer special not working

i did hard raid yesterday and use my musky special the orbs did not come back when i use my special

I was wondering if it was broken as well. I usually use it only when I need to pop a lifewell instantly for a rez. Had a tank go down right as I used my lifewell and the Musketeer special didn’t respawn lifewell. Didn’t notice the other orbs as I’m usually only in a snap rez situation when I use it.

just tested it and it worked as usual for the orbs for me, but the lifewell does not come back when using the ultimate.


So the most used reason for the musky super is now not working anymore? :expressionless:

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This was mentioned back in the initial patch and not responded to by the devs: Reborn Patch 10.90

We’ll be looking into it


This should be fixed with the patch tomorrow.


You da man!


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