Reborn Patch 10.90

Generally bored of it already. It needs:

  • A little bit more exp reward. Feels too low to be worth it right now.
  • Progress indication (i know you are already working on this).
  • More Red mobs for rank 5 around the world.
  • Challenging mobs around the world which give exp (something like what the abberations were… Where are they?).

Right now it is really not even fun because nearly all the mobs feel the same with no element of challenge i guess.


Player “Timo” got Raid Chest,Shoulders and Gloves from the GRINDER (yesterday)

Player “Nitram” got Raid Weapon Item from GRINDER, he placed it on off Hand and cant get rid of it anymore, and ALL of his Weapons are now invisable

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Thank you for the heads up, I believe it’s the actual placeholder item from the vendor (before it gets converted into the raid item), we’ll fix that asap. Definitely do not equip them if you get them.


@Mathieu_D please add to grinding devices Grinding devices

Should be fixed, I just put a random beginner weapon to replace it so they can remove it now.


Grinding device feedback:

We killed stuff again today and I finally got my chest for level 5… it had 2 runemage reagents in it, one green weapon = minor shard… Level 3 chest was 2 blue scales in, level 4 was 2 blue scales in, nothing else… As for xp in those 3h we put in, with a full group, I can do 20-30 events, solo.
The device gives 22 500 xp. 20-30 events give156 000-234 000 xp. But solo I will need wayyyy more time to get my device leveled up. So it’s neglectible. Btw I’m the healer, I get perhaps 10-40 xp per mob in the group (today we went with 5).

Can’t imagine doing this solo, sorry, except I am farming anyway. Leveling the device will take a highly multiplied amount of that time, but I also never managed to level in wasteland, these mobs take forever. If anything then it should let us reset before level 5 so we can grind elsewhere, for lower chances for rare drops, but it would at least not make it a pure group-thing, once again.

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You can do 20-30 events in 3 hours solo? As in an event every 6-9 minutes?

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No I always do 2 events parallel in one phase, rarely 1, if lucky, 3. I hop to Obnobi or Highsteppe, for example, before it ends, doing something else before.

Okay, good to know.

While I don’t think the intent is to match “all-out Public Event farming” levels of XP, we want to fall near to there, so we’ll likely increase that in the next patch on Tuesday.

Also given the number of people who seem really disappointed to not get something when the device hits Level 5, I think it makes sense to evaluate that and consider doing something there. I still want it to take a while to earn all the available rewards (and some people enjoy the grind and will gladly sell them to you I’m sure if you don’t want to do it), but at the same time there should probably be something a bit more special about maxing out the device than there is right now.


in one day people have looped that sucker innumerable times, so anything special that’s guaranteed will be un-special in about an hour after patching

Like, one time, with spending almost 2 evenings on it, with a full group? I mean really, if you do 200k dmg on your +4 mages or go with a big group you will ALWAYS be top and get all the ‘specials’ in no time, no matter what devs do. The rest is left behind tho and that’s not really worth it.

The musketeer “explosive shield” talent is very lackluster. It does not do enough damage (its ~one additional basic attack) I feel it needs a significant damage buff (at least 5x) to ever justify it over "curative shield", which is totally great and super useful. Even on a full damage build i dont think i could justify it. The fact that it is AOE damage really doesnt matter, there are very few cases where its beneficial or even possible to hit multiple targets.

Gravity Orb is super lackluster as well. I guess it might not be totally useless to have an additional interrupt if you wanted to take that responsibility away from other clases, but im really not sure how much use this is gonna get seeing as how we can now interrupt once every 1.5 seconds via charge shot. The gravity ability, is not useful, neither is the slow. Having seen all the raid bosses now, i cant think of any situation in the game where either of those abilities would be sought after. I think this orb needs to be revamped…unless you’ve got something planned for expert mode that would require this.

I like impact orb, although the splitting damage part is only a nerf, not a useful part of its function…but maybe your intention was to prevent it from doing even more damage if multiple targets are present…

Charged Orb I love it.

Lifewell I love that you made it an innate thing. However, using your ultimate now does not effect lifewell. This is a pretty big deal because that was the main use (for me at least) for using my ult. I guess its not as huge a deal as it would have been when it was taking up an orb slot, but still makes me sad. Was this intentional?

Overall, great musky changes.



this doesn’t seem to be the case for the bards mallets
also the musky turret still feels too heavy, tho a bit better than it was previously


The turret diddnt feel better to me. It really needs to be at least doubled IMO.


I would like to agree with this.


Wanted to echo that the turret did not feel any better when throwing. And the bard mallets still felt a bit heavy. But the musk turret was noticeably not better.


yup , 3 solo mages in wasteland fighting over 2-3 spawns of single enemies Is less than desirable grinding.
I want to play but I might just log off , this will take forever to lvl to 5 getting 1 kill every 5 min.

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A token system wouldn’t be a bad idea, but I would recommend making all of the drops have a lower drop chance, then every time someone reaches level 5 they get a token. Just talk to the grinding guy and have a menu pop up (similar to the menu of the goblin) where you can use your tokens to purchase the items. It would be nice if the prices were a little high also. Like 10 tokens for everything but the mount, and the mount being 25 or something of that nature.

EDIT: I actually thing this is an amazing idea after reading it back to myself. Please add this. It would give people something to work towards, and the drive to achieve transmogs. #KeepTheGrindAlive


Abberations would be great to have in this world. Ideally we could have either the wilds zone (PVP on or off it really wouldn’t matter) with aberrations packs that can be taken down by groups of people (every abberation kills is like 1k or 2k experience). Or a zone full of un scaled level 30+ mobs that give high EXP.


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