Open Alpha Feedback Thread

Possibly. The mob ran up approached me though (specifically the stag), so I don’t know how I would have avoided that situation. Tried backing off, got a shot off/some damage occurred, then the stag closed the difference again and was again invulnerable.

Wondering if the text can be moved back a foot or so? Quest text covers most of my view, so only a few words can fit in the center sweet spot at a time. Tried backing up but the quest text closed the distance to remain consistent.

Okay, yeah it’s definitely a bug I’m just wanting to know how to reproduce it.

That’s interesting, the quest text should always stay the same distance from the quest giver toward you.

I’ve just put out a new small patch that changes how the loading/unloading process works, basically this should hopefully help reduce the out of memory crashes that some people are still getting when moving between scenes, when returning to the login screen, etc. Thanks!

I seem to be stuck in a state where no other entities spawn in my world (no mobs, npcs, players, resources, etc.). I was just walking along the Lowland Forest when everything disappeared. Now no matter what I try, I’m suck in this state. I tried logging out, relaunching the game, relaunching the launcher and the game, and restarting my computer. Any idea how I can get out of the state or get you more info about how I got into it in the first place?

Check out this post I just made, I think it will fix your issue: Alpha: Known Issues

My game just crashed while moving around some items in inventory.

Also, I’m still having trouble getting item info to display on hover.

Please use the Bug Reporting feature to send me a log of that when you start up the launcher again. Thank you!

I just did a soft reset to fix a bug where the quest dialog telling you where to go to kill the King’s Stag was incorrect. In addition, we increased the number of low-level Redtails and Rotospores available in the starter zone.

You can portal around to lots of places if you find a Runemage willing to do it for you.That said, we are planning to add some sort of “Return to Home” feature just in case you for example get stuck in a bad part of the world where you keep dying…but it wouldn’t be something that’s frequent enough you can just use it as a travel shortcut.

I’m not talking about world travel, although that is interesting information to know. We were just discussing that in designated “safe zones” like the town, you should have unlimited teleport because it doesn’t hurt the game at all in terms of gameplay - it’s just faster movement in a safe zone to get you back out there again.

We just had our second hard server crash. Sorry for the trouble. It auto-recovered as expected.

Might be nicer if the menu stuck to your direction you are looking?

I’d say make this an option.

As personally, I hate headset direction determining forward direction. “Sliding” and not being able to turn my head and look around without changing direction really bugs me.

And on the converse to @Trey_S, I really like the controller forward direction.

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Am I supposed to see any sort of stats or any pop-up when I select gear in my backpack? I remember that being in a previous alpha but it doesn’t seem to be here now.

If you hover over the icon (dont click on it) it will bring up tool tips

Riley, I just don’t know what to say honestly, then to say this is one of the best games I’ve ever played in VR in a long time. I did play the first test that was open if you signed up and it was a whole different story, then it is now. I have to say you got me with the SAO menu opening animation/layout and thank you for that, it made my day. I am level 8 and still haven’t seen everything. Enough talking about how good your creation is, lol…but seriously.

The major cons mostly the 1. touchpad locomotion seems a little janky at times. For what I know, the 2. mages are the only ones that can “fast travel” a portal to the main town and pretty sure to the “Tiger area” as I know of also, but would love it to still have a personal teleport device mechanism for all other classes. The 3. rangers/mages classes seem to dominate in DPS or just flat out damage idk if that’s on purpose, but to me I like the Musketeer class ( Probs to that idea ) and me also liking to lonewolf it as it seems to be a supporter class, same with the warrior class. This isn’t bad would just like more damage options for the Musketeer like the poison shot, since I have to run 2 heal shots with the poison just to stay alive on my own.

The rest of the cons are just tiny bugs, I bet people have already stumbled upon them and reported it. I am honestly saying to my heart that I was amazingly surprised on what you added/did to this game and if you knew me irl, you know that I would NEVER write something this long/descriptive for anything ( since I hate reading and writing ). Hopefully, you or the other people in your team reads this and thank you for your time for reading this.

                                                                                                                         Sincerely, MA

Thanks for the kind words, MA! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the game, we love hearing that because it’s what keeps us going, haha.

I’ll definitely consider adding some ways to get around more quickly perhaps in “safe zones”, a few other people have mentioned that. I don’t want the world to become just everyone teleporting between major places and missing out on all the “in-between” stuff, though, because I think that exploration is what causes serendipitous interactions to occur, which is something you really miss out on when everyone is just joining the dungeon queue and popping straight over to the dungeon.


Yes, I do agree with you on that. For what I saw, you put many Landmarks in the game for “Safe Zones” but for me I would be fine with like Diablo 3 type of portal where it brings you to the main town but in this case you cant go back and it should have a cool down so people dont abuse it.

there should be more options in this game like direction by head, hand, and play space.
strafing and smooth turning. but they did say they are open to trying some. if they need people to test out full locomotion i’m willing to pay the $50 to be a test for that with the limited option it has now I wouldn’t even do free to play but it’s still alpha they have tons of time to add in things just hope they do

2 Suggestions from me and 1 small issue that should be mentioned in the tutorial.

In the tutorial, when I was the ranger, I shot a target dummy in the back area by the trees on accident. So when i killed the first one I originally was fighting, I went back to Bart to complete my objective. He then wanted me to try the musket, but it wouldn’t let me equip it. Took me a couple minutes to realize I was still in combat with one of the dummies, had to go kill it to be able to swap.


  1. When u complete a quest can u add some type of “Yay” at the completion? A sound effect, a particle effect, some flash of some sort? When i turned in the quests, sometimes I would not be sure it actually was completed. Nothing really told me i got experience or no notification really that alot of us are used to in typical MMO’s.

  2. Quest updates are group wide. I was sword and board while my buddies were the ranger. I was always behind in quest updates since they were able to tag mobs far away while i had to try and run up to them and get a smack in.

Either way, I love where this game is going, I had a blast so far. I only played for like 3-4 hours due to time restraints, but i enjoyed every second of it. Real nice community too from the people I spoke with

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